WaterShapes World Blog

The Client Experience
As I write this on May 10, we're two weeks into a major renovation of our home of 30 years. Various demolition, foundation, framing, flooring, cabinet and roofing contractors will be redoing the kitchen from top to bottom while adding about 65 square feet to its space by
The Swimming’s Fine
Ever since March 20, I've been intending to complete the commentary I started on a book about the history of swimming, but other, more time-sensitive topics have gotten in the way. Now, at last, I'm back on track. As you may recall, Strokes of Genius was written by
Beyond Irritating
I had started writing a completely different blog a few days back when a headline burst in to rattle my sense of calm: "6 Reasons to Demolish Your Swimming Pool Before Summer." Written by Wendy Helfenbaum and published
Infinite Potential
A few weeks back, I saw an item on the architecture website Arch Daily that immediately caught my eye. Entitled "Infinity Pools in 15 Architecture Projects" and compiled by Brazilian architect Eduardo Souza, the article delivers as promised - and I'm grateful that, for a change,
Swimming’s Place
My nightstand is so overstocked with books that I've given up on ever catching up. Each gift-receiving opportunity makes more of them appear, and for some reason my family and friends have decided that I like reading volumes so thick that I have to crane new arrivals into place after
Rallying to a Cause
A couple weeks back, I wrote about an arrangement that enabled a pool to reopen through an unusual partnership between a school and a pool-lacking YMCA (click here). Since then, I've come across another sort of arrangement that will restore an iconic watershape and
Decisions, Decisions
I've hesitated to bring it up, but you may recall that, last May, I wrote about finally getting around to updating our vintage-1983 pool and spa with a new interior finish and some cosmetic and equipment upgrades. I had every good intention of following through and indeed made some
Unusual Blowback
If you'll recall, last month I noted that one of my personal goals for 2019 was to include more green-oriented articles in these WaterShapes newsletters - and I must say that I've never run into a case where one of my New Year's resolutions kicked up so much dust! Within a few hours, I received
A Beautiful Partnership
I saw a news item last September that I've been meaning to call to your attention ever since. Broadcast by an ABC affiliate in Boston, the brief human-interest feature told the story of a facilities-hungry YMCA, a long-closed school pool in East Boston and the partnership the Y's leaders forged with
Hello, 2019!
It's New Year's Resolution Time, and I figured it'd be a good idea to share one of mine that's directly related to WaterShapes. As 2019 unfolds, it's my intention