WaterShapes World Blog

Seats at the Table
In uploading this set of newsletter articles to the WaterShapes database, I was struck by the fact that two of them involve large measures of cross-disciplinary collaboration - in one case between a designer and two skilled contractors, in the other between a pool designer, a home designer and a skilled contractor. As I've spent time these past few weeks thinking about what's happened in the
‘Big Easy’ Bound
I'm almost ready to board a plane for my trip to New Orleans and the 2019 International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo, and I have to say I haven't been this curious about what's going to happen at a trade show for many, many years. Change is definitely in the wind these days - with
When It Rains
My last blog - the one about the emergence of Ask the Masters and Watershape University as evolutionary extensions of the Genesis movement - was written when I had no inkling there would be more big news coming. But come it did, when Skip Phillips announced late in September that he was
Product Evolution
As I'm certain was the case when many of us heard the news, I was caught off guard by the announcement in August of the formation of Watershape University. The fact that it was happening beyond the bounds of the Genesis organization and followed so soon after the emergence of the also-independent
Lessons in Trust
As I mentioned a couple months back, we've been remodeling, and the end is in sight. After a delay of some weeks caused by issues with kitchen cabinets (one tall unit came in the wrong color, two small ones were damaged in cross-country transit), we appear to be on the home stretch and could even be done within a few weeks - which may be enough time for me to internalize a valuable 
Soul Searching
For more than 20 years now, both as a printed magazine and as the WaterShapes web site, we've focused more or less exclusively on custom, high-end, full-featured projects, the thought always being that by offering a steady diet of
Back in Action
I'm finally at work again, more or less on a full-time basis - and grateful to report that things are going well: My lower back has stabilized and strengthened, I am mostly pain-free and, although I've been slowed by the four-week hiatus, I am back to my work and workout routines and
A Bumpy Road
Well, I've gone and done it again. It was Saturday, June 29, and I'd decided to throw an extra bit of sweat equity into our home-remodeling project by digging up and removing what had become a non-essential gate on one side of our house. It was an old, metal-framed assembly that 
A Day to Swim
Is it an idea whose time has come? On June 8, I received an email from my friend Dave Penton announcing that he was setting up Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts for something called International Swim Day. "The first day of summer this year is
Collaborative Artists
The three features that top this edition of WaterShapes have been a long time coming - a special package of articles all about the same project told from three different professional perspectives. Through the years, we at WaterShapes have taken this