WaterShapes World Blog

Water’s Power
Designers and builders tend to think about water as a beneficial feature, an artistic medium, a resource for exercise and hydrotherapy and beauty and awe.  You all experience that water at its contained, controlled best and know exactly how much joy and delight flow when people are in or around water as part of their daily lives. But this material, as has often been stated in
Brighter Horizons
I've just returned from the 2016 International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo - a bit tired but, as usual, satisfied with the experience.  As I had hoped, I enjoyed lots of conversations about future articles and an unusual number of chats about advertising and sponsorships.  Also, the show took place in New Orleans, so I had a
The Unfolding Process
This edition of the WaterShapes newsletter is appearing on the opening day of the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo.  By that Wednesday, I will have been in New Orleans for two days - and will have landed late enough on Monday evening that I will have missed all of the Hallowe'en festivities. That's fine by me:  I've been in New Orleans for three
Mission: New Orleans
My bags aren't quite packed yet, but I'm already excited about hitting the road for New Orleans and the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo during the first week of November.  As I've written in previous blogs in advance of the show, I always look forward to these events - and I have to confess that I'm particularly pleased when
A Mighty Chorus
I've been up on my "river pools" hobby horse for a good while now, which is why I can't believe I missed a great story from the online version of Outside magazine when it appeared on May 19, 2016. Written by Erin Beresini and headlined, "Why Urban Swimming Pools Are Raising Millions on Kickstarter:  Inside the revolution to reclaim
I’m Not Alone . . .
When I wrote about the trend toward floating "river pools" in my July 13 blog (click here), I had no idea I'd pick up quick editorial support from TravelandLeisure.com, the web site for the grand magazine of the same name. In an article entitled, "Absurdly Scenic Floating Pools to Add to Your 'To-Swim' List," Erika Owen flashes through five of the
Fountain Foolishness?
Where do you stand when it comes to people using off-limits public fountains to beat the heat? With the arrival of the dog days of summer, I've spotted a generous selection of news items about people getting in trouble (or at least being chased away) when they've sought cool comfort in the waters of
Rockin’ in Rio
I've been an avid fan of the Olympic Games ever since I can remember. It all started with the 1960 Games in Rome, which I watched with my brothers and sisters through some of the few hours of available television coverage.  Mostly I recall Rafer Johnson's and C.K Yang's duel in the decathlon, with the mere concept of competing in ten separate events blowing my young mind.  And I recall watching Cassius Clay in boxing
A Timely Proposition
I grinned from ear to ear a couple weeks ago while reading a press release from the National Swimming Pool Foundation.  It was about a request for proposals to create a "Learn-to-Swim Index" - a system designed to track how many people are completing formal swimming lessons in the United States - and I'm still smiling today. What NSPF is after, I believe, is