Professional Watershaping

Technical Daring
As watershape designs become increasingly creative and complex, the demand for more precise methods of engineering their structures has grown as well.  To meet that need, observe Ron Lacher and Aaron Cowen of Pool Engineering, experts like them are turning to advanced three-dimensional modeling technology - systems so sophisticated that they make it possible to develop plans for daring projects such as they one they describe here.      It's easily the most sophisticated watershape structure we've ever engineered. The pool/spa combination, not yet built, will rise some 50 feet above grade on a cliff behind a home in the densely populated Hollywood Hills near downtown Los Angeles.  As conceived, the vanishing-edge pool will sit a full ten feet below the spa in a complex monolithic structure.  Supporting the entire affair will be
In the October 2005 issue of WaterShapes, I discussed a project that had tested my abilities and helped me to grow as a landscape designer.   To that point in my career, I had functioned mainly as a designer focused on planting design.  It was quite a step for me to accept the greater responsibility that came with a project that put me in charge of work on the total environment - pool, spa, deck, outdoor amenities and artwork placement as well as the planting plan. I knew going in that project management is a challenge no matter the size or scale of the job.  Coordinating various trades, anticipating schedules and materials needs, making on-site design decisions and covering all
Facing the Future
Robert Frost once wrote, "I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference." As we approach the New Year, I can't think of a more fitting theme for the watershaping industry.  If we consider where we were just ten years ago and compare that situation to the world in which we live and work today, it's clear that the industry as a whole has changed immeasurably - and, I think, for the good. I can say further and without fear of contradiction that those who have embraced the "road less traveled" and faced the future with creativity, hope and optimism have flourished, while those who have clung to the paradigms of the past are not so well positioned to
For the Love of Beauty
If there's one thought that permeates every page, every word and every photograph in this publication, it is this:  The creation of something outstanding, something that stirs an emotional response, something that establishes an ongoing, extraordinary experience for clients and anyone else who sees our work all starts with the passion we have in our hearts for art and its intimate relationship to what we do as watershapers.   That's a big concept.  Really big.  And I believe that unless you appreciate and (on some level) understand the raw power of artistic creation, then what you generate will seldom be
The Accidental Designer
It'd be great if every project I was asked to tackle were about the complete environment - not only the planting plan, but also the watershapes, artworks, amenities and everything else a client might desire.  That doesn't happen often enough, probably because my portfolio is much richer in planting plans than it is in watershapes.  But from time to time I find clients who have faith in me and my abilities as a designer and give me total control. Late last year, I was fortunate enough to come across one such project.  I had originally been brought in to
Life at the High End
Through the years, more than a few watershaping professionals have asked me how to break through and start working with high-end clients.   I respond by giving them the disappointing news that there is no magic key here:  Serving the high end takes commitment, hard work and a willingness to focus your thinking on a distinct set of fundamentals that must take over and guide your work.  Depending on the level at which you're currently functioning, getting to the high end may involve climbing a mountain or might simply be about making a series of
The Mathway to Success
I've always been puzzled by people who look at money as a taboo topic.   Within any form of business, of course, competitors are restricted by federal anti-trust laws from getting specific in discussions of pricing, overhead and profit margins.  But it's always seemed to me that understanding those factors in broad, general terms (which are legally discussable, by the way) is at the core of the success of any business - especially in the world of contracting. The reason pricing, overhead and margins are so critical is that they reflect your core values and those of your company with respect to both money and overall business philosophy.  It's my informed view that too many contractors severely
Precision Planning
As the fields of landscape architecture and watershaping intermingle, the knowledge bases for each trade increasingly need to be shared across various design, engineering and construction disciplines.   That sharing, unfortunately, has been relatively slow to develop, which means that, as a designer and builder and of custom high-end watershape and landscape projects, I am often frustrated by the lack of detail I find in plans and specifications generated on all levels of the trade.  Although this deficiency flows freely from all sectors, the most frequent sources of inadequacy in watershape plans are landscape architects and designers, too many of whom offer information that is disturbingly vague and thoroughly lacking in detail.   We've all seen the blue patch on the overhead plan view - a grossly inadequate delineation of a significant design component if ever there was one.  Contractors presented with such documentation are left to define specific details themselves and essentially are asked to build some version of that blue patch as they
Emotional Imprints
Please forgive me as I revisit themes from a couple of my past columns.  One was written earlier this year on why we do what we do, while the other was published several years ago - back when I first began writing for WaterShapes - and was all about a subject dear to my heart:  roses. Recent events in my family have given me time and the need to sort through the past, and the experience has deepened my appreciation of gardens, their emotional power and how they come to reflect our clients and ourselves.  I'd like to share this process of discovery to define what I see as the essence of what we all try to do as professionals - and encourage all of you to
Surface Value
Value is measured and determined in a variety of ways.   When it comes to pools and spas, for example, I'd say that the straight-dollar value is only one of several yardsticks and that, for many clients, it's no longer the one that tops their lists.  Instead, beauty, health benefits, artistic merit, pride of ownership and emotional appeal are more important than price tag for many of them - a wonderful trend, to my way of thinking. These measures of value, of course, are highly subjective.  Every client is a little bit different, and the relative value of non-monetary factors can be