Professional Watershaping

Toward a Standard
I think we can all agree that design communication between architects, engineers, designers and contractors should be clear and concise.  If that’s the case, it follows that plans and other construction documents should be uniform in their organization and layout – in other words, that they should follow a set of standards to which everyone in the design/construction community can and will adhere. Why the bother?  The plain fact is that any given project involves a cast of characters that will be different – sometimes completely so – from just about any other project.  This is why I’m such a strong advocate for
The Light of the Long View
I’ve always believed that pessimism is useless. At times, I think it can even be destructive, which is why I personally beat the drum for positive thinking every chance I get.  Sure, there are always going to be those who accuse optimists like me of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses, but I counter that by saying that I also believe that optimism is worthless if positive thoughts aren’t backed up by equally positive actions. That this is the foundation of my philosophy should be obvious to
Identifying the Issue
It’s an unfortunate fact that landscape architects receive little or no formal education in watershaping while they’re in school.  As a result, where the typical landscape architect’s irrigation plan will show every pipe, fitting, wire and component for a given project, that same project’s pool plan will carry almost no detail at all. This phenomenon begs the question:  Why don’t our colleges and universities do more to educate landscape architects about watershaping?   The answer to this question causes me double pain, because I know full well that
The Architect Connection
Those of us in the design and construction industry are engaged in a singularly complicated human endeavor.  To make things work, it’s common for many technical disciplines to come together, including soils and structural engineers and contractors and subcontractors as well as architects, interior designers, landscape architects, lighting designers and watershapers – all working in concert to bring form to the goals and aspirations of the clients. These professionals unite in designing spaces that people use and occupy – a simple yet profound thread that ties all of us engaged in any given project together.  Through our combined efforts, we
Finding Touchstones
Many great artists are best known for working in identifiable genres, styles or modes or with specific materials, themes or some other defining detail.  From Picasso’s cubist abstractions to Mozart’s cascading melodies or Rodin’s bronzes to Frank Gehry’s sweeping architectural forms, geniuses of all stripes are in one way or another known for qualities that are distinctly theirs. The same holds true for many watershapers, especially those working at the top of the field.  While many of us (myself included) cross the lines that divide distinctive modes, styles and genres, even the most free-spirited among us can be
Expanding the Circle
In my November 2007 column, I discussed the power of friendship and how it can enhance our professional and personal lives.  Along the way, I used examples from my own career and kept the focus on a personal level.  This time around, however, I’ll be broadening the focus and expanding the concept to cover cultural and even global relationships. One of my key points in November was that by surrounding yourself with a circle of diverse, passionate, knowledgeable and thoughtful friends, you
Motive Power
Designing watershapes of any sort is becoming more and more challenging every day.   Where not all that long ago consumers were happy if a pool or spa or fountain or pond simply looked good and operated reliably, there's a new generation of consumers who are much more interested in how these vessels are built and, more specifically, in knowing about how energy efficient they are. This trend is being driven on the one hand by the inevitability of rising utility rates and on the other by legislation such as California's Appliance Efficiency Code (Title 20) - a rule that's attracting the attention of code writers across the country because of the overwhelming importance these days of reducing energy consumption.     With that backdrop, this article takes a look at a watershape's main energy consumer and the most basic of all its
Playing by Rules
The most important skill needed by any designer is the ability to communicate clearly. This skill takes many forms, from verbal descriptions, well-assembled photographs and material samples to graphical depictions of concepts, details, dimensioned layouts and other drawn elements.  When a watershaper is pushing design limits, in fact, he or she is often called upon to use all of these communication tools to convey ideas and aspire to offer something unique. In recent years, computer-aided design (CAD) systems have become increasingly popular as a tool in preparing construction drawings.  Combined with the designer's creativity, these programs assist greatly in the production of plans.  Unfortunately, however, our usage of them varies greatly in style and content from project to project and designer to designer.  Indeed, these variations can be so radical that some plans are not easily understood by other professionals; moreover, the exchange of electronic CAD files is not always as convenient or efficient as it should be. This is why a group of industry experts has banded together to create the National CAD Standard (NCS), which is the core subject of this brief series of articles.  That effort, which has met
Playing by Rules
The most important skill needed by any designer is the ability to communicate clearly. This skill takes many forms, from verbal descriptions, well-assembled photographs and material samples to graphical depictions of concepts, details, dimensioned layouts and other drawn elements.  When a watershaper is pushing design limits, in fact, he or she is often called upon to use all of these communication tools to convey ideas and aspire to offer something unique. In recent years, computer-aided design (CAD) systems have become increasingly popular as a tool in preparing construction drawings.  Combined with the designer's creativity, these programs assist greatly in the production of plans.  Unfortunately, however, our usage of them varies greatly in style and content from project to project and designer to designer.  Indeed, these variations can be so radical that some plans are not easily understood by other professionals; moreover, the exchange of electronic CAD files is not always as convenient or efficient as it should be. This is why a group of industry experts has banded together to create the National CAD Standard (NCS), which is the core subject of this brief series of articles.  That effort, which has met
Stepping Up
I've written several times in the past about the fact that more and more landscape architects and designers are getting into watershaping.  As evidence, all you need to do is look at design-award competitions in the pool and spa industry and note the increasing number of submissions from landscape professionals:  It's even getting to the point in some programs where they're outnumbering participants who come from the traditional pool and spa industry. You'll find even more evidence of this phenomenon on the web sites of landscape-focused companies, where you'll see watershapes of all shapes and descriptions in most of their photo galleries.  Moreover, many I know in the pool and spa industry have had the experience of