Professional Watershaping

Weighing the Options
In recent years, I've witnessed or participated in enjoyable conversations about the fact that pools, spas, fountains and other waterfeatures are now more complex than they've ever been. What I've heard and seen less often, however, is equivalent bantering about the fact that engineering plans for such projects must keep pace if these elaborate watershapes are to perform - as they should - well into the future. In this context of progress and success, it should trouble watershapers that large numbers of builders persist in relying on generic structural plans when it's time to break ground on their projects - even on those that
Nature’s Way
'Back when WaterShapes was in its infancy, the idea that swimming pools and spas had much in common with other forms of contained water (including ponds, fountains and streams) was a true novelty:  All of those worlds seemed light years apart.' That's how Brian Van Bower opened his Aqua Culture column in November 2008 before adding:  '[T]hings have changed and there's now widespread recognition that these seemingly
Nature’s Way
'Back when WaterShapes was in its infancy, the idea that swimming pools and spas had much in common with other forms of contained water (including ponds, fountains and streams) was a true novelty:  All of those worlds seemed light years apart.' That's how Brian Van Bower opened his Aqua Culture column in November 2008 before adding:  '[T]hings have changed and there's now widespread recognition that these seemingly
On a Wire
‘Several years back, I was in a seminar at the International Pool & Spa Expo when the instructor asked everyone who had an e-mail address to raise a hand.   ‘Way back then – it was in the late 1980s or perhaps even the early ’90s – using the Internet for communication was a brand-new concept to most people and there were only a few . . .  in the room who lifted an arm.  I wasn’t one of them,’ observed Brian Van Bower in opening his September 2008 Aqua Culture column, ‘and at that point I had no idea that e-mail and Web sites would ever
Proportional Response
‘One of the real tricks in any art form can be the challenge of exercising restraint,’ wrote Brian Van Bower to open his Aqua Culture column in September 2003.  ‘Bigger isn’t always better, and both scale and size do matter.  In other words, just because you can create something grand, it doesn’t always mean that you should.’   ‘This principle of proportionality has a sharp, specific meaning in the world of the custom watershaper,’ he continued, ‘especially when
Neat and Clean
‘Perception is reality,’ observed Brian Van Bower at the head of his Aqua Culture column for August 2003.  ‘Regardless of whether that’s right or wrong, you are judged by appearances.’   ‘If your own appearances mean ugly-looking vehicles, sloppy-looking employees, shabby offices and job sites that look like disaster areas, you will inevitably be judged with that image by the clients who have hired you and by anyone else exposed to
Communicate and Coordinate
‘Although my business now focuses on design and consulting,’ declared Brian Van Bower near the top of his Aqua Culture column of June 2003,  ‘I spent enough years as a contractor to be able to evaluate what goes on between contractor and clients.’ ‘In fact,’ he added, ‘in my role as designer, clients often turn to me with comments about their contractors – and they’re not shy about complaining or in telling me about what makes them happy.  And it works the other way, too, because contractors, knowing that I have experience as a contractor myself, will often turn to me as someone who can
Concrete’s Nature
No matter the method by which it is applied, concrete is a fascinating material. The history books tell us that it's been in use for thousands of years - as far back as 6500 BC, when it was used by Bedouins to make cisterns in which they collected and kept water underground in desert climates.   The ancient Greeks used concrete, too, as did the Assyrians and especially
Maximizing Exposures
‘I take a lot of pictures of my work – so many, in fact, that friends and colleagues often tease me about it.’  That’s how David Tisherman opened his Details column of June 2003, broaching a subject near and dear to his heart. ‘[W]hat may seem like an obsession to others seems like good, commonsense business practice to me.  In fact,’ he continued, ‘I believe that every single designer and builder involved in the creation of quality watershapes should record his or her work photographically – and should make a point of doing so in a way that
We Can Do Better
‘During a presentation to a recent conference for the swimming pool and spa industry, I tossed this nugget to the audience:  “By a show of hands, how many of you in this room believe that most people think highly of our industry?  Please be honest.” ’ That’s how Brian Van Bower began his Aqua Culture column in the May 2003 edition of WaterShapes.  He continued:  ‘It was a mixed group of more than 160 people representing