Ponds, Streams & Waterfalls

Where do rivers start? That’s a question that has always fascinated me, basically because I know that the Nile, the Amazon and the Thames – as majestic and life-giving as they and many of the world’s other great rivers become – all begin as mere trickles. Indeed, with the notable exception of rivers that erupt from the ground as powerful streams, most great rivers start out as subtle emanations of water that has migrated, globule by globule, through vast areas of porous rock to emerge as tiny rivulets in zones known as “spring lines.”  These spaces typically exist between
Making Frames
Welcoming Waters
For a long time, we’ve focused on creating highly naturalistic ponds, cascades and streams that fit seamlessly into the wooded landscapes of North Carolina – projects of such quality that they stand up well in comparison to the vast numbers of natural watershapes we see just about every time we turn around. Until recently, the overwhelming majority of these watershapes were installed in backyards, away from public view, with many of them situated on these properties in ways that removed them from immediate access or turned them into remote destinations. That preference among our clients at Xstream Ponds (Cashiers, N.C.) seems to be changing.  In the past few years, in fact, we’ve noticed a
Echoes of Influence
I’ve always believed that creativity is a direct result of our ability to embrace the ways we are influenced by others. In my case, I grew up in Virginia in a family deeply involved in the art of landscaping.  My grandmother was a master gardener who had an amazing ability to craft beautiful outdoor spaces – a skill and affinity she passed down to my father, who shared it in turn with my mother.  In addition, I had an uncle who ran a spectacular nursery we’d visit several times each year. It’s no exaggeration to say
Harvesting Rain
Only three percent of the world’s water exists as fresh water – that is, water with low salinity and total dissolved solids of the sort found in lakes, rivers, reservoirs, ponds, streams and aquifers.  It is arguably our most precious resource because, quite simply, we can’t get along without it. As populations grow around the world, the amount of fresh water available for drinking, irrigation, bathing and sanitation annually decreases on a per capita basis.  These fresh-water supplies are replenished only by precipitation, so when droughts disrupt historical weather patterns, there’s trouble ahead – especially if the shortages hit highly populated areas.  Today, it is estimated that one in six people on our planet lacks access to an adequate water supply.  While the vast majority of those who endure this disadvantage live in other parts of the world, we in the United States are becoming more and more subject to supply shortages when localized droughts occur.  Recent conditions in the southeastern United States are a prime illustration of what this entails:  In Georgia, for example, water supplies recently hit 50-year lows.   These conditions resulted in the imposition of all sorts of restrictions on water use, in some areas leading to bans on the installation of new watershapes.  At Aquascape (St. Charles, Ill.), we’ve long believed that it’s our responsibility as professional watershapers to act responsibly in such circumstances, meaning in our case that
A Human Touch
As a rule, those of us who build watershapes meant for purposes other than swimming or hydrotherapy tend to pursue one path or another:  Either we make our ponds, streams and waterfalls look as natural as we can manage, or we establish them to reveal the hand of man either partly or completely.  In that either/or context, successful design depends at least in part on being perfectly clear with ourselves about what we are trying to achieve. In assessing ponds of these opposing forms, it's my personal practice to look at both natural ponds and formal ponds (or, more accurately, architectural ponds) as being right on par with one another with respect to their potential for beauty.  Indeed, architectural ponds can be incredibly appealing when done up in such a way that
A Human Touch
As a rule, those of us who build watershapes meant for purposes other than swimming or hydrotherapy tend to pursue one path or another:  Either we make our ponds, streams and waterfalls look as natural as we can manage, or we establish them to reveal the hand of man either partly or completely.  In that either/or context, successful design depends at least in part on being perfectly clear with ourselves about what we are trying to achieve. In assessing ponds of these opposing forms, it's my personal practice to look at both natural ponds and formal ponds (or, more accurately, architectural ponds) as being right on par with one another with respect to their potential for beauty.  Indeed, architectural ponds can be incredibly appealing when done up in such a way that
A Human Touch
As a rule, those of us who build watershapes meant for purposes other than swimming or hydrotherapy tend to pursue one path or another:  Either we make our ponds, streams and waterfalls look as natural as we can manage, or we establish them to reveal the hand of man either partly or completely.  In that either/or context, successful design depends at least in part on being perfectly clear with ourselves about what we are trying to achieve. In assessing ponds of these opposing forms, it's my personal practice to look at both natural ponds and formal ponds (or, more accurately, architectural ponds) as being right on par with one another with respect to their potential for beauty.  Indeed, architectural ponds can be incredibly appealing when done up in such a way that
Pastoral Frenzy
My first experience with these clients had to do with their backyard pool:  They let me know they weren't quite satisfied with what they had and wanted me to come in and set things straight.  The result of this collaboration was a tropical, Hawaiian-style paradise they truly love. The next time they called, it was about their large front yard.  I initially assumed, of course, that they would want me to carry themes established in the backyard out to the street, but I was mistaken:  What they desired instead was a Japanese garden-style woodland complete with a pond/waterfall system, a teahouse and more.  Admittedly, it's somewhat unusual for a property to have so pronounced a split personality, but in this case, it was not only what the clients desired, but it also made perfect sense because
Magic to Do
One person’s error is often another’s opportunity – and that’s exactly how my relationship with Disney’s Epcot Center began.   The famous Florida theme park has held its International Flower & Garden Show in the spring for many years now, and one of the festival’s more popular highlights has long been the program’s “Water Garden Wonders” exhibit.   A local Floridian pond contractor had always taken care of the waterfeatures for the show, but after a series of problems, officials at Disney decided to make a change and I was contacted to see if our company, Aquascape of St. Charles, Ill., would be interested in taking over the pond-construction duties.   I was immediately on board with the idea.  After all, how do you say no to