Ponds, Streams & Waterfalls

The Hidden Source (pdf version)
Cascades and waterfalls are different from most other types of watershapes. In ponds, for example, the quiet reflective surface of the water serves to accentuate elements within the water, such as the plants, fish and rock materials, while reflecting the features surrounding it. That same reflectivity is a hallmark of pools as well. Our purpose in setting up cascades and waterfalls is, by contrast, to highlight the water itself, and specifically the
Fundamental Keys to Healthy Ponds
When I speak with clients about designing and installing ponds and populating them with fish and plants, I make a point of helping them understand what it takes to develop
Down to Size
As the current recession has worked its way through the marketplace, I’ve found that, with increasing consistency, our projects fall neatly into two categories. On the one hand are the grand-scale projects we do mostly for wealthy people – ambitious designs that see us cover large areas with tons of rock, extensive plantings and complex hydraulic systems.  While these jobs have dropped off somewhat, it’s our observation that people with money can still afford to buy what they want and that this high-end business has never really gone away.   On the other are more modest designs for people who want some form of water in their lives but are working with limited budgets and, often, with compact available spaces.  In fact, these systems can be minuscule, all very simple, some without any pond component at all and many ensconced in places where
Graceful Reflections
In all my many years of working with water, I’ve never grown tired of its remarkable beauty and complexity – or of the variations it encompasses, the ways it changes and the endless fascination it offers to those who come into its presence. At the heart of water’s ability to inspire us and rivet our attention is its capacity to reflect. There’s something truly magical about the way water mirrors the sky, a surrounding landscape, nearby architecture or a well-placed work of art. It’s a gift of sorts, a timeless bounty that has captured imaginations ever since Narcissus fell in
The Calming Magic of Waterfalls
Videos: To watch videos of four of the world’s most famous, most beautiful waterfalls — with all the stunning images accompanied by music — click on the links
Pond Filtration: The Basics
Want to know why creating healthy, low-maintenance ecosystems is so important to contractors who install naturalistic watershapes? It’s because the last thing any of us needs during the busy season is a phone call complaining about
Pond Liners and the Sun
As I peruse my expert-witness files to develop these "Lessons Learned" items, sometimes I run across situations so remarkably silly that I'm reminded why they originally made me scratch my head and marvel at the
Water-in-Transit Pond Problem
Understanding how to move water from one level to another is among the most surprisingly complex challenges in all of watershaping. Indeed, there are lots of ways to get into trouble - even if you're confident that
The Artistry of ‘Painting’ with Stone
For the pond-building artist, stone is the paint — and how it is used can make or break the look of a watergarden. Choosing the perfect stone, however, is no guarantee of a beautiful outcome. That’s the realm where creativity and inspiration from
A Green Harvest
Oddly enough, this story takes place in a down economy and shows how, despite perceived financial limitations, something surprising and wonderful can happen when people put their minds to it. For years now, my work at Aquascape (St. Charles, Ill.) has largely focused on developing, designing and installing systems that in one or more ways are environmentally sound and beneficial.  In early 2009, I began working on a plan for a prototype community designed around optimal use of its resources, especially water. I imagined a town filled with rainwater-capturing systems, permeable surfaces and efficient irrigation.  It included nothing but indigenous plants, was organized with minimal turf areas and set aside space for composting and cooperative organic farming.  As for the homes, all of them boasted various resource- and energy-efficient features. The overall concept was so