People with Cameras
— some serious, others seriously odd
Salt and water are literally natural companions, defining the very nature of our natural world, and indeed our own human existence. Nowhere is that more evident than at a remote location in the Peruvian Andes known as the Maras Salt Mines, or "Salineras de Maras" where salt has been extracted from water for centuries, creating a landscape unlike any other.
In September 2024, Watershape University organized a tour of Machu Picchu, the famous ruins nestled high in the Peruvian Andes. It was a dynamic journey of personal discovery with numerous fascinating revelations along the way, including the many ways the Incas controlled and utilized water. Here’s a look at one of the tour’s main highlights – a unique and mysterious place known as Tipón.
What started out as an Italy trip devoted to the pursuit of fine food and wine, Lea and George Frederick, wound up deeply imbibing in the world of mosaic art at a remarkable facility in Vincenza. Here they share a slice of travelogue and images that point to the remarkable possibilities of artistically arranged bits of glass tile.
Photographer Jimi Smith has taken stunning photos of more than two thousand residential swimming pools, along the way building a strong reputation as the industry’s go-to photographer. He’s made high art of his images, capturing the beauty of pools using his gifted eye and modern photographic technology.