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Amazing Bridge Fountain in Seoul
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Amazing Bridge Fountain in Seoul


VideoGalleylogoFrom Wikipedia: “The Moonlight Rainbow Fountain is the world’s longest bridge fountain…1,140 meters [1,247 yards] long, shooting out 190 tons of water per minute.” Wikipedia also reports that the bridge’s 38 water pumps drawwater from the river 20 meters [21 yards] below the deck; the fountain’snozzlesshoot outwater up to 43 meters [47 yards] horizontally.

Furthermore, Wikipedianotes that the span has another interesting feature: The Banpo was constructed on top of the Jamsu Bridge to create a double-deck span. When the water level of the Han River rises sufficiently, however, the lower level (Jamsu), which has pedestrian and bicycle paths, is covered in water and must be closed.

Video and Photos: To see a number of spectacular photos of the bridge and fountain, click here. Be sure to scroll to the bottom to watch a video of the fountain in action.

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