Advancing Aquatic Education

In its continuing campaign to support professionalism in all facets of the watershaping industry, Watershape University is joining forces with the Association of Aquatic Professionals (AoAP) and the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC) and is set to offer a menu of presentations at the AoAP’s Conference & Exposition this coming February.
Watershape University is excited to announce that we will joining the educational roster at the Association of Aquatics Professionals (AoAP) Annual Conference & Exposition, February 5 – 12, 2022, St. Pete Beach, Fla.
Now in its 11th year, the Conference has earned a reputation as a premier educational gathering for aquatic professionals, drawing over 800 attendees, including health inspectors, building-code officials and aquatic-facility managers, among others. The event provides attendees with the latest technical, practical, and hands-on education designed to improve drowning prevention, facility programming, team leadership, risk management, technical operations, and overall facility management.
This year, the Conference welcomes a new, two-day educational tract on the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) presented by the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC), a nonprofit organization that curates the code in its on-going efforts to promote the health and safety of all categories of swimmers and workers at public swimming facilities.
WU will present two sessions within the MAHC tract: CONSTRUCTION 1324: Building Safe Chemical Storage and Treatment Systems and DESIGN 1811: The Visual Guide to Commercial Pool Geometry; both sessions strive to harmonize facility design with sound engineering practice.
In addition to those offerings, WU will present two courses that are also new to the Conference. The first is a full-day program on Fluid Engineering & Drawing Comprehension for Plan Checkers. This course fills the educational gap in typical public-health curricula with in-depth knowledge of fluid engineering, gravity flow, water-in-transit, pumps, filters and treatment systems.
WU will also offer a two-day course on Ozone/UV System Design. This extensive program offers expertise on sizing, sales, installation, troubleshooting and routine maintenance of ozone and UV systems – a tandem of water-treatment technologies that has become widely used in commercial aquatic facilities.
“Watershape University is excited to be part of the AoAP Conference and Exposition,” says David J. Peterson, P.E., IWI and co-founder of Watershape University. “We fully support the AoAP’s mission, and believe this will be the first of many years bringing our top-notch and novel education to Conference attendees. And, we couldn’t be more pleased to see CMAHC putting the Model Aquatic Health Code front and center with this influential audience!” For more information on the Association of Aquatic Professionals and to register to attend the Conference, go here, or email here.