Achieving Blue Mind: Part 1

The ability to achieve “Blue Mind” is not dependent on a location – such as an ocean, lake, or river. It is also not dependent on being fully submerged in water.
While being able to jump into a cool lake on a hot summer day or stand in the waves at a favorite beach spot helps you achieve Blue Mind quickly and easily, it simply isn’t an option for many.
Perhaps you live in a land-locked region, a highly developed urban environment, or a frigid climate that isn’t conducive to being outside (much less in water). You may have a physical disability that makes it more difficult for you to be mobile or travel to “wild” waters.
Whatever your situation, then you need to access the water and achieve Blue Mind in ways that work for you.
For many who live in high-population areas, finding “wild” water is not always easy. However, if the weather permits, you can search out some outside-the-box options.
Most major cities have at least one or two public parks that have been built around small bodies of water. A man-made pond, fountain, retention canal, reservoir, or other urban water feature is just as calming, just as effective, at helping you achieve Blue Mind.
There are also community pools for a full submersion experience during the right weather. Consider taking your workout into a “blue gym” – a city, community, or gym pool where you can swim laps or join classes such as water aerobics. Before you think it’s not for you, water exercises are low-impact, resistance training that works! This is a highly recommended activity for those who are recovering from physical injury, expectant mothers, or older people worried about falling.
If you are lucky enough to own a private pool or know someone who does, this is something you should partake of as often as possible. With a tiny amount of yard or concrete space, you can purchase inexpensive inflatable pools that are eight feet long by four feet wide and even deep enough for an average-height adult to achieve a float experience.
Just sitting beside the water has been shown to provide positive benefit to human emotional and mental health. If being outside is difficult due to weather, see if there’s a local aquarium you can visit to watch the play of light on water in massive tanks, sea creatures gliding back and forth, and the gentle movement of marine plant life.
All over the country, float spas are popping up in small cities and large. These experiences average about fifty dollars per hour (depending on where you live) with each session taking between one to two hours.
While they aren’t available everywhere (yet), it’s something you should try at least once if you get the opportunity.
A true float tank experience removes all outside input. There is nothing to distract you from the deep, life-altering session. It is just you and the water.
This stimulates a state known as Extreme Blue Mind. In fact, it is probably the purest method to achieve Blue Mind. Focus on your breathing and the sensation of the water. Inhale deeply, hold it for three seconds, and exhale.
Here are some sayings that can help you reach Blue Mind:
q My mind is slowing down.
q I am focused on a single infinite wave.
q I choose my motion and how I will direct my thoughts and energy.
q I am balanced and calm.
q I am positive and peaceful.
In our modern world, a large majority of Red Mind involves our daily jobs. They can cause constant tension but we can’t afford to lose them.
If possible, take breaks during the day near a public fountain or water source – even if it’s an indoor fountain at a restaurant, mall, or lobby area. See if you can alter your daily commute to take you past the water. Arrange team meetings in places where the sight or sound of water helps ideas and creativity flow. Consider team-building exercises that focus on cleaning up local waterways as volunteers.