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A Personal Invitation
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A Personal Invitation

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I have two very special reasons for inviting you to stop by the WaterShapes booth during this year’s International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo in Las Vegas:

[ ] First, I want to talk with you about the WaterShapes Professional Network and all of the reasons you should sign up right away. As a minor barrage of emails advised last month, we’re on a serious membership drive. We’ve passed the initial “let’s basically give it away” phase of the campaign – that offer expired October 31 – and have now moved on to a limited-time-only $200 annual rate as an incentive to join. That’s still a huge bargain.

If you stop by our booth, however, you can take advantage of our “Show Special”: Just give us your business card during the show and complete your online WPN registration by November 21, and we’ll honor the $100 giveaway rate for you. But you must hand one of us your card personally: You can’t just leave it somewhere in our booth!

As we mentioned when we introduced WPN a couple months back, the site was developed in response to a need much discussed among watershapers to find a better way to use the Internet to reach out to prospective clients with direct, clear, well-presented information. By banding together in our single site, individual businesses can make their search-engine presence felt in ways that no one company could ever achieve on its own.

The WPN train is rolling: It’s time to climb aboard – and save some money while our special offer lasts!

[ ] Second, I would love to chat with you about and how it’s growing to meet your ongoing needs as a professional watershaper. Traffic is up, interest is up, and I’m always on the hunt for articles we can publish in our twice-monthly newsletters and upload to the web site.

I had a conversation a few weeks ago with a longtime friend (and frequent past contributor to the printed magazine) who asked me how things were going. He floored me by commenting that he hadn’t paid too much attention to our site or our newsletter “because all your stuff is recycled from the old magazine.” Au contraire, says I: One-hundred percent of all the articles and product releases we’ve uploaded since July 2011 are brand new – and by now that’s nearly 1,500 articles never, ever seen elsewhere. Already, that’s a quantity far greater than even the population of the old magazine’s extensive archives.

And I know all this for a fact, believe me, because I solicited all of those articles, worked with the contributors and have had a hand in bringing all of their insights to your monitor, tablet screen or smart phone.

Yes, we republish an “Essential” magazine piece in every newsletter, but we started doing so at the request of readers who hadn’t received every single issue of the magazine for its 13 years in print: It’s a simple way to highlight the richness, value and availability of the archive. And we occasionally revive sequences of technically oriented articles because that sort of information rarely slips out of date. But almost everything we publish through our newsletters is brand, spanking new – and we’d love to chat with you about turning one of your favorite projects into an article and hearing any suggestions you might have about topics we should pursue or ideas we should bring to the fore.

We’ll be in booth #1065 in the heart of the Genesis 3 Pavilion: See you in Las Vegas!

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