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Mythic Beauty

Her name is Kópakonan, but she is also known as “The Seal Wife,” a mythical figure known as a “selkie.” Immortalized in Nordic legend, a stunning bronze stature celebrates the rich oceanic folklore of remote Faroe Islands, and the power of art in a dramatic aquatic setting.

By Meena Daindridge

Nestled within the rugged beauty of the Faroe Islands, an archipelago of eighteen volcanic islands located between Iceland and Norway, lies the serene village of Mikladalur on the island of Kalsoy. This quaint village, with its picturesque landscapes and deeply rooted cultural traditions, has become an emblematic site for a remarkable piece of art that intertwines history, mythology, and local folklore: the striking nine-foot-tall statue of Kópakonan, commonly known as The Seal Wife.

Crafted meticulously from bronze and stainless steel, this awe-inspiring sculpture stands majestically in Mikladalur Harbor, gazing out towards the vast North Atlantic. Unveiled to the world in August 2014, the statue is not just a testament to artistic brilliance but also a profound homage to the enduring legends of the selkies that have permeated Faroese culture for centuries.

The legend of the selkie, or seal folk, is a poignant and mesmerizing tale passed down through generations in the Faroe Islands and other Nordic regions. These mythical creatures are believed to possess the magical ability to transform from seals into humans by shedding their skin.

Central to this folklore is the story of the Kópakonan, a selkie woman who would remove her seal skin to walk on land as a human. However, as with many tales of enchantment, the narrative of the Kópakonan is imbued with elements of tragedy and longing.


Hans Pauli Olsen, the visionary artist behind this remarkable sculpture, delves deep into the heart of this folklore, capturing its essence and bringing it to life in the form of the imposing statue. The intricate details, from the texture of the bronze to the fluidity of the steel, encapsulate the duality of the Kópakonan’s existence – her connection to both the land and the sea, her longing for freedom, and her eternal bond with the natural world.

Standing at the water’s edge, the Kópakonan statue serves as a poignant reminder of the symbiotic relationship between the people of Mikladalur and the sea that surrounds them. For centuries, the inhabitants of this remote village have relied upon the ocean for sustenance, livelihood, and spiritual nourishment.

The selkie legends, with their themes of love, loss, and transformation, resonate deeply with the lives of the Faroese people, reflecting their enduring connection to the sea and the natural world.

Beyond its cultural and mythological significance, the Kópakonan statue has also become a symbol of resilience, identity, and community pride for the people of Mikladalur and the wider Faroe Islands. The unveiling of this monumental artwork marked a pivotal moment in the region’s cultural landscape, reinforcing the importance of preserving and celebrating their unique heritage amidst a rapidly changing world.

As visitors and locals alike stand before the towering figure of the Kópakonan, they are invited to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Faroese folklore, history, and tradition. The statue’s commanding presence, coupled with its evocative symbolism, evokes a sense of wonder, reverence, and contemplation, transcending linguistic barriers and resonating with audiences from all walks of life.

Indeed, the statue of Kópakonan in Mikladalur Harbor stands as a monumental tribute to the enduring legacy of Faroese mythology and culture. Through Olsen’s artistic vision, this captivating sculpture encapsulates the timeless allure of the selkie legends, forging a profound connection between the past, present, and future of the Faroe Islands.

As waves crash against the rugged shores and the winds whisper tales of old, the Kópakonan statue remains a beacon of inspiration, inviting generations to come to embrace the magic, mystery, and beauty of this enchanting land.

Meena Dandridge is a self-described luxury nature connoisseur based in Soquel, Calif. She is a competitive orienteer, yoga instructor, ocean enthusiast and manicure artist. She is known to say, “In the presence of water, we’re never alone.”

Opening photo by Kasakphoto | Shutterstock, lower photo by Nagongsak Nagadhama | Shutterstock.

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