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WU Roars into 2023
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WU Roars into 2023

Watershape University is stepping forward with a palette of educational offerings at three major industry events in Atlantic City, Houston and Colorado Springs – marking the beginning of WU’s strongest year yet.  

Watershape University is wasting no time revving the educational engines in the early New Year. The Wolfpack will be rolling into three cities for major events, providing its unique brand of essential educational offerings covering essential design, engineering, construction and business topics.

The 2023 campaign starts at The Pool and Spa Show in Atlantic City, NJ, Jan 22-26 at the Atlantic City Convention Center. (

WU will present two outstanding, pre-conference, paid programs, 1/22-23:

[] BUSINESS 2122: OSHA 10 — General Industry for Aquatic Professionals (12 hours)

[] ENGINEERING 4311: Essential Advanced Fluid Engineering Workshop (16 hours)

WU will also be presenting a slate of general track (short) classes including:

Tuesday, 1/24

[] BUSINESS 2321: Marketing Renovation Services 

[] ENGINEERING 3332: HVAC & Indoor Pools 

[] CONSTRUCTION 2921: Profiling Outstanding Projects, Start to Finish – IN SPANISH 

[] DESIGN 3422: Artistry of Vanishing Edge Design and Details 

Wednesday, 1/25

[] BUSINESS 3342: The Structured Sales Process 1:30 pm — 3:00 pm

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Next, WU travels west to the Southwest Pool and Spa Show in Houston, TX, Feb. 8-11 at the George R. Brown Convention Center (

Pre-conference courses Feb 8-9 include:

[] CONSTRUCTION 4112: Essential Advanced Watershapes — Residential (16 hours)

[] ENGINEERING 4311: Essential Advanced Fluid Engineering Workshop (16 hours)

[] DESIGN 2311: Essential Architectural Styles Workshop (16 hours)

General track (short)classes include:

Friday, 2/10

[] CONSTRUCTION 3251: Pier and Beam Construction 

[] CONSTRUCTION 2921: Profiling Outstanding Projects Start to Finish 

[] BUSINESS 1341: Design Fees – Billing for Professional Services 

Saturday, 2/11

[] CONSTRUCTION 1956: Understanding Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) 

[] BUSINESS 2322: How to Pivot to Renovations When New Pool Leads Dry Up 

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From there the Wolfpack swings north for The Association of Aquatic Professionals 2023 Conference & Exposition, Feb. 11-18 in Colorado Springs, CO at the Broadmoor Hotel, where it will offer a special short course for the Committee for the Model Aquatic Health Code:

Monday, 2/13

[] ENGINEERING 2331: Indoor Air Quality Design & Specification 5:00 pm — 6:10 pm

And a general track class:

Wednesday, 2/15

[] CONSTRUCTION 1712: Navigating Commercial Renovations 11:00 am — 12:10 pm

This is only the beginning for our educational offerings this Winter!  Stay tuned for more upcoming programs, in person and online from the Wolfpack. For more information visit

Photo by Ritu Manoj Jethani | Shutterstock

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