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Appearing in Dallas

Watershape University is set to present a dynamic slate of educational opportunities at the 2021 International Pool|Spa|Patio and Deck Expo in Dallas, Tex., Nov. 13-18 at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center.

The Wolfpack is on the move toward Texas, offering three core classes and several short programs in Dallas. We’re also hosting our first-ever WU “Tailgate party” on Monday the 15th. We’ll be exhibiting on the show floor in booth 1517, where you can stop by and meet our staff and instructors, find out more about WU’s programs and certifications, interact with Ask the Masters and other members of the International Watershape Institute, and play games and win prizes!

We are also happy to support Wallace “J” Nichols, author the trailblazing book Blue Mind, who will be presenting one of two keynote speeches on Tuesday the 16th and will be in our booth that day.


[] Construction 4111 Advanced Construction and Engineering 4311: Advanced Fluid Engineering Workshop are multi-day courses that provide the most advanced construction and fluid engineering information available to the industry. (These in-depth presentations do require prerequisites, Construction 2111 and Engineering 2311, respectively. Those two classes are available online, on-demand.)

[] Design 2211: Essential Principles of Design Workshop: WU’s third core class offering, this course features an innovative delivery method. The first eight hours are presented asynchronously online, the second 8 hours is a live workshop at the show.


[] Design 1421: Hidden Design – The Importance of Designing Things You Can’t See: This presentation covers the importance of details that are never seen to the casual observer, including mechanical systems and associated structural and engineering elements.

[] Construction 1741: Exposing Dangerous Drains – Renovation of a Commercial Pool: This session focuses on a commercial renovation that uncovered dangerous, non-compliance with drain-cover safety standards.

[] Business 2231: Create a Culture of Accountability: This special presentation looks at the importance of instilling accountability and responsibility in the watershaping workplace, and how it enhances workflow and productivity – by preventing and correcting mistakes.

[] Engineering 2342: Compatibility of Hydraulic Components: Here we discuss how to determine the system needs for different pool and spa configurations, including determining water volume, pump selection, filter selection, pipe-sizing requirements and drain-cover selection – all to maximize efficiency, reliable function and safety.

[] Design 2634: Wood and Water: Deck Considerations at Swimming Pools: The recent resurgence of wood as a modern finish material around pools has, at times, resulted in poor performance. This course provides an overview of common issues and clever details that will help designers and builders avoid potential wood-related shortcomings.

 [] Design 2521: Outdoor Living – The Design Process: This class delves into the process involved with creating great outdoor living spaces, including programming, guiding principles, concepts and planning.

[] Business 2342: Managing High Lead Volume: Watershapers have faced an uphill battle keeping up with the overwhelming demand over the pandemic. Here we’ll discuss tools that will help filter serious leads from those who are just gathering information.

[] Service 2311: Automating a Service Department: This session is designed to assist in computerizing a service department, all to assist in creating a paperless and efficient operation, and ultimately enhancing customer experiences.

For WU education details go here:

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