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Fluid Instruction

As in-person education continues to stumble as a result of the pandemic, Watershape University continues to develop new on-line instructional offerings. Extensive Programs covering construction, engineering, cost estimating, along with dozens of other topics in our weekly Wednesday Webinar series are all designed to give watershapers the information needed to advance in today’s unusual market.

Watershape University is pleased to offer its unequaled course in basic pool hydraulics in a totally online, on-demand format! E2311:  Essential Fluid Engineering Workshop teaches how to evaluate existing plumbing systems, and provides the means and methods necessary to install these elements, ensuring long-term project success, in terms of operations, efficiency and safety.

E2311 joins two other core classes of WU’s curriculum already being offered in full, online format:  C2111 Essential Pool Construction and B3451 Cost Estimating Workshop.

All three courses are perfect for new entrants to the industry, including landscape architects seeking to understand what is involved in pool construction and operation. The courses are also helpful and convenient to pool subcontractors,  key supervisors, and other workers who may not have the luxury or opportunity to attend live instruction due to the expense of travel, uncertainty of COVID-19, or opportunity cost of time away from the field.

The online format provides instant feedback of understanding key concepts through a series of quizzes, occurring at 1-hour intervals.  The courses also boast workbooks and/or spreadsheets that serve as rich resources as the student grows in his understanding of the pool building trade. 

To access all Watershape University’s online content, go to and set up, or access, your account.  You can see what courses lead to WU’s array of credentials through “Badges and Curriculum Overview” in the main navigation bar, with enrollment a mere click away. 

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