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As the grip of the pandemic begins to finally loosen, Watershape University’s Wolfpack is prepared to step out of the den and move with purpose into the dawn of a new day. On March 24, WU’s staff offered a special Wolfpack Webinar Wednesday presentation outlining plans for the post-covid era.

Watershape University has been busy during this past year of forced isolation and frenzied industry activity. There’s never been a time anything like what we’ve all been through and everyone has been forced to adapt in ways most of us could never have fully anticipated.

With growing anticipation we’ve been preparing for the coming era of greater overall freedom and specifically the re-emergence of live events. In our recent March 24, Wolfpack Webinar Wednesday, the Wolfpack staff offered a detailed description of everything we’ve been doing, and it’s quite a list.

You can access the full presentation here.

Here’s a quick breakdown:


Lauren Stack, WU’s vice president of operations, described the behind-the-scenes work we’ve done on establishing branding guidelines and rebuilding our email distribution templets and delivery system, for both WU and WaterShapes.


This has been a time of transition for WaterShapes (WS), the publication and venerable online resource that has been part of the WU family since January 2020. As editor and WU vice president of communications, Eric Herman introduced a completely rebuilt, site, which now exists on an updated platform, with a freshened look and improved content access and overall functionality.

He also discussed changes to the publication’s schedule. Beginning with this edition, WS will publish a full set of articles at the beginning of each month, with smaller “drops” released later in the month.

The new website went live March 24.


WU’S director of digital engagement, Brett Herman, and WU co-founder, Dave Peterson, described our efforts in curriculum expansion and access. WU’s learning delivery system,, now boasts over 800 registered students, 40 hours of free webinars, four “premium” webinars.

We also currently have WU’s core course, “BUS 3451 Cost Estimating” with CON 2111 Essential Pool Construction and ENG 2311 Essential Fluid Engineering, both due in April, on online, demand. 


Peterson concluded the presentation with a rundown of our in-person-event schedule at tradeshows including (International|Pool|Spa|Patio Expo in Dallas Nov. 13-18, Southwest Pool & Spa Show in San Antonio, Tex. Jan 19-22, 2022 and the Pool & Spa Show in Atlantic City, N.J (Jan 25-27, 2020). 

Several other in-person events are planned at manufacturer facilities this summer / fall.Courses will include those leading to WU certifications, new content for trades and some “blended format” classes having both online/in-person instruction.

More to come, stay tuned.

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