2003 Editions (12)
Please note: All of the issues listed below are available online, free of charge. Printed copies of many of these back issues are available for sale in the WaterShapes Store. Quantities are extremely limited! Clickherefor ordering information.
December 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 12)
Five-year (1999-2003) article and topic indexes; five-year (1999-2003) indexes for all columns.
November 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 11)
John Jennings & Jean Garbier on a resort waterpark; Dominic Shaw on roles of consultants; Mark Holden on carved stone; George Forni on periodsensitive renovation.
October 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 10)
Jon Mitovich on dry-deck fountains; Douglas Roth on liner issues; John Marckx & Scott Fleming on installing glass tile; Steve Oliver on blending water and sculptures.
September 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 9)
Derk Hebdon on nature-inspired stream design; Kevin Ruddy on indoor pools; Sean So on water in modernist sculpture; William R.B. McCullough and Edwin M. Wallover on designing a multi-finction aquatic facility
August 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 8)
Ross Miller on site-specific fountains; Steve Gutai on plumbing joints; Mark Holden on period-sensitive restoration.
July 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 7)
Bill Fintel on attracting birds; Ron Lacher on structural engineering; Suzanne & Ron Dirsmith on building for a special child; Ken Alperstein on golf course design.
June 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 6)
Anne Gunn on a folksy fountain; Steve Kuntz on water and wood; Mark Holden on classic tile; David Tisherman on watershaping for an art collector.
May 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 5)
Johannes H. Wagner & Eugene R. Bolinger on creating a war memorial; Jeff Freeman on hydraulic retrofitting; Bruce Zaretsky on sensory gardens; Richard Hansen on water/stone sculptures.
April 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 4)
Jane Shoplick on watershapes as teaching tools; Lou Downes on working with clients’ ideas; Steve Gutai on flow and line velocity; and Bobbie Schwartz on Mayan inspiration.
March 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 3)
Mike Fowler on watershapes for large marine mammals; Paul Benedetti on designing outdoor kitchens; Bob Dews on using planting pockets with ponds and streams
February 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 2)
Randy & Martha Beard on collaboration; Ron Yavis on custom vinyl-liner pools; Robert Jechart on developing a pool alarm; Jon Mitovich on Microsoft’s campus.
January 2003 (Vol. 5, No. 1)
Kevin Fleming on high-end ambitions; Steve Gutai on surge tanks; Glenn Harris on decorative interior finishes; Sandra Hasegawa Ingalls on symbolism in watershapes mySpace