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Test Your Knowledge #11
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Test Your Knowledge #11

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How Much Do You Know About Frog Skin?
Test Your Knowledge logoAccording to the Web site, frogs are cold–blooded creatures that belong to the zoological classification Amphibia. There are 3,900 species of tailless amphibians — two of which are the frog and the toad. Frogs usually are found in and around ponds. Onecharacteristic that makes frogs especially interesting is their unusual skin.

How much do you know about frog skin? One of the following statements does not come from and is not true. Which is it?

  1. Frogs don’t usually swallow water; instead, they absorb most of the moisture they need throughtheir skin.
  2. In addition to the oxygen they get through their lungs, frogs take in more oxygen from water by absorbing it through their skin.
  3. Frog skin needs to be wet to absorb oxygen — which is why frogs secrete a mucus that makes their skinmoist and slimy.
  4. Frogs shed their skin regularly — in some cases weekly, in others daily — to keep it healthy.
  5. Once frogs shed their skin, they bury it in the pond’s mud.

To see the correct answer, look below. And don’t miss the trailer for the 1972 suspense horror film “Frogs!

The correct answer — or to put it another way, the incorrect statement — is #5.

The following would be theaccurate statement: Once frogs shed their skin, they eat it!

Video: What’s that? You think frogs are just comical little creatures with faces only mother frogs could love? You won’t think they’re so funny after you watch the trailer for the suspense horror flick “Frogs,” released in 1972 by cheesy American International Pictures and starring Ray Milland, Sam Elliot and Joan Van Ark. (It was sort of an amphibian version of Hitchcock classic “The Birds,” only a lot campier and a lot less classic.) A word to the wise: Don’t watch it in the dark…ribbit…ribbit.

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