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Test Your Knowledge #7
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Test Your Knowledge #7

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Where and when was the first modern indoor waterpark built?

Test Your Knowledge logoDo you know where the first modern-style, indoor waterpark was built? Here are four possibilities to ponder:

1. Phoenix, Arizona, in 1984

2. Edmonton, Canada, in 1985

3. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, in 1986

4. Tokyo, Japan, in 1987

Look belowto see the correct answer.

The correct answer is Edmonton, Canada, in 1985. From Wikipedia:

The first-ever indoor waterpark was built in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in 1985 at the West Edmonton Mall as part of the $1.2 billion dollar Phase III expansion. Called World Waterpark, it is over 217,800 sq ft (20,230 m2) in size. It also includes one of the world’s largest indoor wave pools, waterslides of varying degrees, tube rides, zip lines, bungee jumping and hot tubs.

Photos: To see many images of Edmonton’s World Waterpark, click here.

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