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New Year’s Greetings from Eric Herman
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New Year’s Greetings from Eric Herman


Eric Herman

EricHermanHolidayNoteDear WaterShapes EXTRA! Reader:

As we all know, it’s been another tough year for the watershaping industry. Although we continue to anticipate a break in the clouds, we’re still waiting for the occasional rays of hope to gather into a full-blown economic recovery. So we soldier on seeking better days, all the while making the most of what we have in the meantime.

As the editor of WaterShapes, I’m privileged to know many of you — and if grit and determination in the face of adversity are the measure of our industry’s character, then what I’ve seen these past difficult years is nothing less than inspiring. Yes, it’s been tough, but the pride and determination so many of you exhibit give me confidence that we’ll make it through to better days.

It’s always easy to be optimistic when everything is going well, but the true measure of character really comes when things aren’t so perfect. That is when we find out who we really are. Perhaps what we’ve unearthed in these tough years is a richness of spirit that can’t be measured in dollars and cents.

For now, during these holidays and always, don’t forget to celebrate the greatest of all gifts: human warmth and caring. On behalf of the entire WaterShapes family, I sincerely wish you all the beauty and richness a brighter future will bring — and the awareness and gratitude to celebrate the bounty that already surrounds all of us.

So, here’s to the Happiest of Holidays and most Hopeful of New Years!


Eric Herman

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