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Filling the Map

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wu logoDespite the challenges of the past year, Watershape University’s International Watershapes Institute (IWI) has seen steady growth since the university was founded in fall 2019. As the roster of top-flight professionals increases, IWI’s values and goals are taking root and redefining the watershaping map.

In its first full calendar year, Watershape University (WU) made steady and meaningful progress on a variety of fronts. Like many other organizations, we were stymied by the pandemic, especially when it comes to presenting courses in person. We are intent on returning to live classrooms in the second half of this year, or earlier, circumstances permitting.

Meanwhile, we have continued to lead the industry as the premier source for technical and business education through online training.

One of our strongest progress indicators has been the growth of our International Watershape Institute membership. As of this writing, our IWI roster includes over 50 of the most professional and gifted watershapers found anywhere.

And to help in literally finding them, we’ve added a new IWI member locator on our website, which identifies each IWI member’s location on the map, along with their contact information.

IWI provides principled leadership for WU’s faculty, students, and indeed, the entire pool, spa and aquatic industry, a.k.a. the watershaping industry. IWI drives outreach efforts, culture and passion through events inside and outside of WU’s programs and curricula.

Coaching is key as IWI members work to practice what the institute teaches, putting WU’s technical position papers into action and representing the highest level of professionalism available in the watershaping industry.Some IWI coaching is directed at manufacturers who seek IWI’s expertise when considering and developing new products, or improving existing products.

IWI members create the most challenging watershaping projects anywhere and consistently push the limits of the watershaping arts, crafts and technical disciplines.


Culture is critical to any university and at WU, we have built a thriving culture that promulgates quality design, engineering and construction and business practices. Our roster of IWI members embodies the highest expressions of our ideals, aspirations for the industry and our core belief system based on quality, integrity, creativity and a sense of responsibility to the consuming public.

We believe that living an aquatic lifestyle benefits all who embrace it, which is why IWI members avidly support the Live Blue Foundation, engendered by the powerful messaging of Wallace “J” Nichols and the “Blue Mind” movement.

IWI is also united with related A/E/C communities including the American Institute of Architects (AIA), American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD) and the American Shotcrete Association. A number of IWI members are also actively involved with industry-social-media sensation, Ask the Masters (ATM).

All of this, we believe, establishes an exciting foundation of industry leadership that is spreading coast to coast.

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