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From the Studio

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wu logoAs this strange time keeps on rolling and builders’ phones continue to ring off the hook, Watershape University (WU) is serving our audience with our dynamic Wolfpack Webinar Wednesdays series of online educational offerings.

When we started down this path, admittedly it was something of an experiment, but now with three months of presentations under our canine belts, we have been thrilled with both the quality of the presentations and the feedback from our audience, which is averaging right around a hundred viewers each week.

Because it goes live every Wednesday afternoon at 3 EST, and knowing how busy so many of you are right now, we realize you might not have time during the hustle and bustle of the work day to log on for the hour-plus sessions. If you’ve missed some, or all of them, we encourage you to go to our website where you can see the past presentations and retrieve the handouts, as well. It’s all informative and useful stuff.

We currently have 11 episodes on our website covering a host of fascinating topics including ozone technology, movable floors, stainless steel pools, calculating electrical loads, working with Model Aquatic Health Code turnover recommendations and others.

And, we occasionally inject an element of fun into the mix. On July 1st we offered a special presentation on outdoor kitchen design that was staged at WU co-founder, Dave Peterson’s home in San Diego. In addition to a wonderfully informative presentation from designer/builder, Paolo Benedetti, one of WU’s top instructors, we also featured recipes perfect for outdoor entertaining, and a helping of silliness and lighthearted banter along the way. It was a small gathering due to the current health crisis, but in the future, we will be staging larger parties with more ways to take advantage of the watershape lifestyle.

Our plan is to keep this series up indefinitely and we are always open to suggestions for future presentations and presenters. It’s a great way to gain some knowledge while we’re all waiting for WU’s live schools to come back on line. In the meantime, take advantage of the available sessions, and don’t hesitate to fill out the survey letting us know how we’re doing and ways we can improve.

The Wolfpack is always looking to elevate the industry in everything we do, and we have a hunch that you’ll find these initial offerings helpful as we all strive to advance the watershaping world.

Check it outhere.

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