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Ripples #99

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Ripples art--smallTwo Dudes Turn ’69 Coupe de Ville
Into Rolling Hot Tub, Plan to Race It

Longtime buddies Phil Weicker and Duncan Forster — who met when both were engineering students at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario — have spent the past six years converting a 1969 Cadillac Coupe de Ville into a fully functioning, rolling hot tub.

According to a July 2014 article about the unique vehicle on, the avid car enthusiasts intend to test the mettle of the “Carpool de Ville” — not to mention its body metal, steering wheel, transmission, tires and hot water system — in an auto race on Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats.

The two guys, who now live in L.A., have been attempting to raise $11,000 through a Kickstarter campaign to fund their trip to the race and participation in it. The report includes the following quote:

“Nobody’s ever gone a hundred miles an hour in an open-air self-propelled hot tub while sitting neck-deep in soothing warm water,” Weicker told the New York Post. “We aim to correct that mistake of history this August.”

UPDATE: Given that “this August” now refers to last month, Ripples is eager to find out what if anything happened: Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be more-recent reports on the Internet. If you have information about whether the Carpool de Ville did actually compete in the race — and if so, how it fared — please let Ripples know at [email protected].

Photos and video: To see several images of the Carpool de Ville and watch the Kickstarter video, click here.

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