January 22, 2020 www.watershapes.com |
Big Ideas, Small Space
The yard was quite long and narrow, and so was the tightly confined access path. But Scott Cohenhas enough experience in dealing with compact backyards that he’s always ready, as he demonstrates here, to deliver a design that suits the space — and his client’s expectations. [more]
Team Building
He’s no stranger to big commercial projects, but Kurt Kraisingerconsiders this one unique. Here’s a look at the design he developed for a plaza space that realized the ambitions of the office building’s owner while satisfying the desires of tenants who’d ultimately use the space. [more]
Mountain’s Majesty
A detour on a long road trip through the western United States carriedJim McCloskeyto Colorado Springs, Colo. — just the place to see a watershape that had been on his bucket list for years. It’s a bold, spectacular fountain, well worth a visit if you find yourself in the vicinity. [more]
As is the case in every aspect of the design of spaces intended for public use, the development of lighting systems for parks, plazas, resorts or historical sites requires increased attention to a series of creativity-thwarting factors including cost, durability and safety, says lighting-design guruJanet Lennox Moyer. Here, she offers insights into what it takes to go beyond those basic needs and truly bring public places to life once the sun goes down.
This article, originally published inWaterShapesin January 2006, has been digitized for all readers. Clickhereto see the full text and enlarge the images to study the craftsmanship in detail.
Stream-Lined Effects
For all of the aesthetic considerations that come with crafting a stream, the fact is that man-made waterways must function properly. Here,Rick Andersonaddresses this practical/technical part of the picture, covering liner placement, plumbing and equipment installation. [more]
Finding Hope
Looking back on two major trends he had followed for years, Jim McCloskeycame to the sudden realization that they were actually part of one grand set of ideas — and that a newly formed foundation has the potential to focus those concepts into an all-encompassing movement. [more]
Words to the Wise Dept.:Article defines seven healthy reasons to get yourself into a swimming pool. [more]
It’s so compelling that evenScientific Americanlinked to it.
Weird Watershapes Dept.: Manufacturer fills clear plastic guitar bodies with water and sells them for $500. [more]
Who really cares how they sound? Theylook totallycool!
In his first Aqua Culture column of 2010,Brian Van Bowermade personal declarations about the value of trust — and invited fellow watershapers to consider ways of building it for themselves and their clients. [more]
CMP Offers Unblockable Ring Drains
CMP(Newnan, GA) has introduced 20-inch-diameter unblockable ring drains. Designed for VGB compliance, the high-flow units are available in white, gray, black, dark gray, tan or dark blue to blend into popular finishes, and the pipe connections (single or dual ports) are on the ring’s edge, so the interior circle is easily filled with plaster, pebbles or tile. For details, click here.
S.R. Smith Offers Fiber-to-LED Conversion Kits
S.R. Smith(Canby, OR) offers PT-6001 and PT-6002 fiber-to-LED conversion kits to update Fiberstars 6004/2004 fiberoptic illuminators. PT-6001 is a single 60-watt, one-circuit unit; PT-6002 is a dual 60-watt, two-circuit unit that features synced or independent circuit control. Both are designed for safety, easy installation and dependable performance. For details, click here.
If you design and/or build pools, spas, fountains, ponds, streams, waterfalls or other forms of contained, controlled water, you have a proven ability to create projects of great beauty. But how do you spread the word about your skills and talents to those who might want you to help them make water part of their daily lives?
The WaterShapes Professional Networkcan help you there. We’vebuilt a web site where dozens of designers and builders of watershapes of all types participate as an Internet collective — a grouped entity large enough and interrelated in ways that make search engines treat all participants with respect. So if it’s a strong (or even just a stronger) web presence you’re after, please do take a look and get involved.
TheNetworkis working just the way we’d hoped: Time toclickaboard?