November 7, 2018 www.watershapes.com |
Expansive Vision
The homeowners had waited decades to revamp their backyard and cameto the project with high expectations about how their new spa, fountain and deck would look. Now it was up toGrant Smithto solve a few tricky technical issues while makingthe most of the distant views.[more]
The New-Pond Blues
It doesn’t happen every time. But asMike Gannonreports here, new ponds will head in this disturbing direction often enough that he preparesallof his clients to deal with a distressing transformation that can occur within weeks after a pond has been filled with water for the first time. [more]
Designing and buildinganypool in close proximity to a body of water has its challenges. But if you start by focusing on one primary goal, writes William Drakeley, you’ll find that the rest of the tasks involved in these technically demanding projects will become much more manageable. [more]
For nearly six years, this was a project that occupied most ofJames Atlas‘ working life, challenging him and the staff at Platinum Poolcare Aquatech with pursuing development of a watershape complex marked by great ambition, shifting needs and innumerable revisions. Now that his work is complete and the site is finally ready for its close-ups, he guides us through a masterpiece he justly sees as his firm’s crowning achievement.
This article, originally published inWaterShapesin January 2009, has been digitized for all readers. Clickhereto see the full text and enlarge the images to study them in detail.
Welcome to Paradise
When it comes to listing the most ambitious uses of water in recreational settings, the resort property known as Atlantis should quickly come to mind, saysSteve Kaiser. Withits multiple swimming pools, waterslides, fountains and marine exhibits, it’s a must-visit paradise in the Bahamas. [more]
An Event to Remember
After returning from the recent ‘Designing Water’ symposium at Longwood Gardens, Jim McCloskeysorted through all of his impressions of attendees, presentations and Longwood’s Main Fountain Garden before whittling the list down to three thoughts he wants to share. [more]
Confirming the Obvious Dept.:UKstudy shows positive effects of swimming on anxiety and depression .
Seems to me like a better option than doctor visits or drugs.
Sensible DIY Dept.:Australian gent builds a hot tub from a pile of rocks, a bunch of clay and a supply of wood.[more]
It doesn’t stress comfort, but it’s ingenious just the same.
Back in November 2008,Brian Van Bowerturned his attention to the natural side of watershaping — and elaborated on a familiar set of constraints he’s encountered along the way. [more]
Water-Level Controller from Pentair
Pentair Aquatic Systems(Sanford, NC) makes the IntelliLevel water-leveling system. The units allow for accurate addition of water through pressure sensing, ultrasonic water-level detection and an electro-mechanical microventing system to measure and add water to an accuracy within a quarter inch, measuring added water to ensure the correct fill. For details, click here.
Cor-Ten Fire Pits from Paloform
Paloform(Brampton, Ontario, Canada) manufactures Bol fire pits made from Cor-Ten steel as a dramatic centerpiece for any outdoor space. The wide, shallow, heavy-gauge vessels have 42-inch diameters and may be used with natural gas or propane burners in either manual or automatic versions — or with a steel grate insert for wood-burning fires. For details, clickhere.
On the Lookout
for 2019 Leads?
Manywatershapers have, through the years, put large sums toward building their own beautiful web sites, then wondered why prospective clients haven’t been beating paths to their doors. The hold-up? It’s a simple fact that building a strong web presence as a stand-alone site is a daunting challenge — and that’s precisely why we started theWaterShapes Professional Network.
building a collective presence in which dozens and, eventually,hundredsof sites participate as an interlinked colossus, WPNbecomes a group entity the search engines can’t overlook. So if it’s a strong (or stronger) web presence you’re after, check it out.
TheNetworkis working just the way we’d hoped: Time toclickaboard?