December 20, 2017 www.watershapes.com |
Tireless in his quest for information about and approaches to the creation of toxin-free pools and spas, John Cohenhasspent years weighing observations of nature and the human body and figuring out ways to use what he’s learned to help people swim in pure, clean, safe water. [more]
Shaping with Light
Lighting the various planes, elevations and contours of today’s swimming pools is a challenge: It takes familiarity with the capabilities of modern LEDs, notes Graham Orme, but it’s also important to think about safety, angles, intensity and the goal of producing a warm, beautiful glow. [more]
A masterful feat of hydrology and engineering, theMachine de Marlyfed water to the Gardens of Versailles for 130 years. It’s no longer around, but as Jim McCloskeysuggestshere, it’s worth a ‘visit’ because of its role in creating an awesome collection of watershapes. [more]
The health and welfare of a typical pond or lake depends on a long list of factors — not the least of which, says engineerErich Altvater, is proper aeration. If you get it right, he says, you can improve water quality; miss the mark, however, and many man-made ponds or lakes will fall into an unwelcome imbalance. Here, he explains what it takes to understand the water’s needs and guide clients to the proper aerating system.
This article, originally published inWaterShapesin September 2000, has been digitized for all readers. Clickhereto see the full text and enlarge the images to study them in detail.
Raising the Floor
Many renovation projects include lifting the floor of an old pool to make it possible to play games such as volleyball, notes Scott Cohen.So it’s a good idea to know what’s really involved in the process — and learn how to avoid the serious errors he describes in this article. [more]
Reciprocal Energy
His usual year-end exercise in reviewing recent trends, events and personal perspectives takes Jim McCloskeyto a happy place this time — and leads him to pay tribute to professionals who, one and all, make him proud and pleased to bear witness to their progress. [more]
Santa’s Helper Dept.:A guy in a red suit rides a red sled to rescue a young deer caught on a frozen lake. [more]
OK, so he’s not Santa — but try telling that to the deer!
Santa’s Helper Dept., Pt. 2: ALondon firm repurposes its floating hot tubs to spread chilly holiday cheer. [more]
It’s creative, but I’m not sureMrs.Claus would approve!
Back in 2007, Brian Van Bowerobserved that landscape designers and architects were gravitating toward the water to an unprecedented degree. Are those design professionals still moving in that direction? [more]
Hayward Debuts Smart Controller for Pools
Hayward Pool Products(Elizabeth, NJ) has released the VS Omni variable-speed pump system. Designed as an easy way to add scheduling and smart control to pools, the units work with existing equipment and control up to four devices from almost all suppliers. The systems include a hub, a relay and a control pad, all manageable with a smart phone. For details, click here.
Vortex Arranges Water Journey for Kids
Vortex Aquatic Structures(Montreal, Quebec, Canada) offers Water Journey, a collection of four moveable, touchable, low-water-depth “events” that may be used individually or collectively to provide different play experiences for toddlers and young children in water parks, municipal parks, urban spaces, hotels or family entertainment centers. For details, click here.
Getting a
Jump on 2018
Manywatershapers have, through the years, invested heavily in building their own beautiful web sites, then wondered why prospective clients haven’t been beating paths to their doors. The hold-up? It’s a simple fact that building a strong web presence as a stand-alone site is a daunting challenge — and that’s precisely why we started the WaterShapes Professional Network.
building a collective presence in which dozens and, eventually,hundredsof sites participate as an interlinked colossus,WPNbecomes a group entity the search engines can’t overlook. So if it’s a strong (or stronger) web presence you’re after, check it out.
The Networkis working just the way we’d hoped: Time to clickaboard?