November 15, 2017 www.watershapes.com |
Pushing Limits
Working with great clients in their tiny backyard, Tanr Rossfaced a choice: Erase items from their wish list, or find creative ways to includeeverything. Here’s how he pulled it all together — and ended up making a compact space seem a good bit larger than it really is. [more]
Making a River Flow
The architect wanted a pool with a long lazy-river to highlight the hotel’s big deck area, and Buffy Neumannknew just how to approach the task: She did her homework, called in a key supplier for technical assistance and executed the project in award-worthy style. [more]
While he didn’t see the grand fountains and water displays he was expecting to find during his time in Venice, Jim McCloskeywas nonetheless fascinated by thefontanasthat grace more than 100 plazas, both great and small, that dot this hauntingly beautiful Italian city. [more]
On Common Ground
When a homeowner in suburban Chicago asked for a waterfeature and swimming pool that were aesthetically linked to one another and their surroundings, watershaperLou Downesknew that close collaboration with the landscape architect would be crucial. The resulting composition offers a perfect testimonial to the value of getting client, designer and contractor all squarely on the same page.
This article, originally published inWaterShapesin April 2003, has been digitized for all readers. Clickhereto see the full text and enlarge the images to study them in detail.
Gophers Got You Down?
Gophers may be cute, but they can also wreak havoc on slopes with ponds installed atop them. And it gets even worse, explains Scott Cohen, when the client expectsyouto pay for the resulting damage, even though you’ve given fair warning about the risks of rodent infestations. [more]
Breakout or Breakdown?
Conversations he had at the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo encouraged Jim McCloskeyto a strongly positive attitude about 2018 — but also had him wondering whether businesses still smarting from past traumas will be entirely ready to take advantage of emerging opportunities. [more]
High and Wild Dept.:A technical look at the structure holding up the world’s most breathtaking pools. [more]
The water’s great, but the three towers are a true marvel.
Wedding Day Heroics Dept.:The groom spots a child in distress and starts married life in an unusual way. [more]
My guess is that it’s a day the couple will never forget!
Setting and pursuing goals has long been a key to his business success, wrote Brian Van Bowerback in November 2002. Is his brand of goal-setting still a valuable exercise in today’s business environment? [more]
Deck-Toned Skimmer Covers from CMP
CMP(Newnan, GA) manufactures Natural Wonders Deck Covers as a custom design element intended to keep skimmer covers from becoming unwanted visual distractions. The heavy duty units are available in four natural finishes — White Stone, Sand Stone, Gray Stone and Brick — selected to complement common decking systems. For details, click hereand scroll down.
Grand Effects Offers Illuminated Bowl Bases
Grand Effects(Irvine, CA) supplies illuminated stone bases for use with its lines of fire bowls, fire-and-water bowls and water bowls. The units are hand-crafted in translucent quartz using special techniques that beautify the effect when they are lit from within by white or colored LEDs that can be synchronized with a pool’s lighting system For details, click here.
Getting in
onthe Process
If there’s one thing we’ve all learned in the past 20-odd years, it’s that the decision to purchase a watershape of any kind is a process that most often takesyearsfrom initial idea to installation.
That’s why a web forum like the WaterShapes Professional Networkis so important: It gives homeowners and decision-makers an easy, anonymous way to gather early, basic information before reaching out to make direct contact with professionals whose work they admire. Click hereto check it out — and get ready for your future!
The Networkis working just the way we’d hoped: Time to clickaboard?