January 20, 2016 www.watershapes.com |
Tools of Enchantment
When she designs watergardens for her New England clientele, Maria von Brincken applies a refined set of principles rooted in regional geology, acclimated species and seasonal transitions. In everything, she says, her aim is to beguile onlookers in beautifully subtle ways. [more]
Small Space, Big City
Thinking big seems to be what modern watershaping is mostly about, writes Mike Gannon. But if you find yourself in a tight urban space like the one seen in this video, he notes, you need to alter course and think about ponds and waterfalls measured in inches rather than yards. [more]
A chance layover in Detroit gave Jim McCloskey the opportunity to visit a famous fountain he’d long wanted to see. But things didn’t quite work out the way he was hoping when he reached the famed waterfront plaza on a miserably cold January day a few years ago. [more]
Modern Movements
Moving water has an uncanny ability to soothe and refresh no matter where you find it, observe watershapers Sheri and Roger Soares II — but, they quickly add, it has a special power in arid, desert environments, where its appearance is both unexpected and reassuring. That’s why their projects almost always include water-in-transit effects, from subtle spillways or runnels to complex vanishing edges or perimeter overflows.
This article, originally published in WaterShapes in April 2009, has been digitized for all readers. Click here to see the full text and enlarge the images to study the craftsmanship in detail.
Becoming Wise
“A smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” If you internalize that classic proverb, writes Scott Cohen, then you might conclude that watershaping is the occupation of a fair number of smart people and too few wise ones. [more]
The Big Aquatic Picture
In his ongoing series of commentaries on public pools and watershaping’s future, Jim McCloskey has outlined a long list of social/cultural considerations and concerns — and reports here on support he has found in a book that offers a broad context for his own observations. [more]
Nice Kitty Dept.: A cheetah approaches a pool for a drink, giving this bather a chance to risk life and limb. [more]
The bold and lucky fellow had ‘lunch’ written all over him.
Memory Lane Dept.: A look at competitive swimming in 1916 shows just how far things have come. [more]
From body types to swimsuits , it was a different world.
Water’s Flip Side
Back in 2011, Bruce Zaretsky dedicated his On the Level column to a key issue in landscape and watershape design and construction that means even more in our era of wild weather — as you’ll see by clicking here.
Swimming Pool Windows from Hammerhead International
Hammerhead International (Las Vegas, NV) makes acrylic panels for use in high-end residential and commercial swimming pools. Available in many shapes and sizes, the panels can be made to match everything from the most complicated radiuses of vanishing-edge walls to simple spa panels. The company also offers installation services. For details, click here.
Aquascendo Offers Movable Pool Floor System
Aquascendo (Los Angeles, CA) makes a movable pool floor system that can be raised or lowered to any level. Capable of changing a dry patio surface into a toddler’s wading pool or an exercise pool or a deep-water swimming pool in minutes, the system is intended for commercial or residential applications and works via an elevator-like mechanism. For details, click here.
Ready for 2016?
As you think about the year to come, there’s one handy contact and referral system you should consider: The WaterShapes Professional Network is here to help consumers find you and have a chance to review your work and mission statement on neutral ground before taking the big step of reaching out to contact you directly. It’s a resource watershapers have needed for years — and you can start getting involved yourself by clicking here.
The Network is growing: It’s time to think about climbing aboard!