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2014/5.1, May 7 — Artful Authenticity, Epic Gardens, Subsurface Horrors and more
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2014/5.1, May 7 — Artful Authenticity, Epic Gardens, Subsurface Horrors and more

May 7, 2014


Classic Persuasion

More than two years of paying full-time attention to thousands of tiny details: That’s what this project was all about, says landscape architect, contractor and watershaper Mark Holden — not to mention close collaboration with a determined client who inspired Holden to reach for levels of craft, creativity and practical improvisation that have informed his approaches to design, construction and watershaping in every project since.

This article, originally published in August 2003, has been digitized for all readers. Click here to see the full text and enlarge the images to study the craftsmanship in detail.


Bright Ideas

As Eric Triplett demonstrates in this video, making the electrical connections that will ultimately bring a pond to life is a fairly routine matter. But there are a couple of details that need emphasizing — tips that will make certain the pond has what it needs for the long haul. [more]


Everyone’s Garden

The Chicago Botanic Garden is among the most beautiful of all outdoor spaces in the United States. Famous for its design diversity, stunning watershapes and flawless execution, its a inspirational place Ron and Suzanne Dirsmith believe every watershaper should visit. [more]


Powerful Grounds

It’s often said that what you don’t know can hurt you — and that’s seldom truer, write Larry Parmelee and Wayne Schick, than when the unknown in question has to do with what’s beneath a watershape. Here’s a look at some of the many subsurface forces that may be at work. [more]

All Lined Up

A huge project is now complete, reports Jim McCloskey: As of May 1, every article and column ever printed in WaterShapes magazine from 1999 to 2011 has now been fully digitized for use by all visitors — professionals and consumers alike. [more]

Amazing Twists and Turns!
Ex-POW/Past U.S. Ambassador to
Vietnam Teaches Its Kids to Swim


Working with Challenges

From long experience, Lew Akins knows that watershaping projects at any level of complexity should never begin without one key pile of information in hand — that is, full soils and geology reports from qualified engineers. He explains why in this brief video discussion. [more]


Gearing Up

It’s too late, wrote Bruce Zaretsky back in May 2009, to wait until the busy season starts to take stock of tools and equipment and get them ready to go. As discussed here, he believes in a more systematic approach.

 © Alain Lacroix |

Now at . . .

Our all-digital archive is now complete! All columns and articles from the magazine are now easily searchable — and the author index (click here) includes live links to every feature we ever printed! It’s a treasure trove ready for easy exploration by using the MAGAZINE tab on our home page!


Everything You Wanted to
Know About Chlorine — and More

Many water-related stories have been in the news of late — including a report connected to the three questions below.

The Web site recently ran an article (“Chlorine: From toxic chemical to house cleaner”) about the manufacture and use of chlorine — obviously, a substance very important to the watershaping industry. How much do you know about chlorine?

1. The word chlorine comes from the Greek word chloros. What does the Greek word mean?

a. Purification b. Additive c. Blue d. Green

2. The distinctive “smell of chlorine” in swimming pools does not emanate from the chlorine itself; rather, it emanates from a compound created when chlorine combines with organic substances in the water (such as human sweat and urine). What is the compound called?

a. Chloratyne b. Chloratane c. Chloramine d. Chloramax

3. Until recently, the process to produce chlorine from salt involved use of a highly toxic substance. Now that substance is gradually being phased out from the manufacture of chlorine. What is the substance?

a. Mercury b. Sarin c. Arsine d. Oleum

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