The Web site recently ran an article (“Chlorine: From toxic chemical to house cleaner”) about the manufacture and use of chlorine — obviously, a substance very important to the watershaping industry. How much do you know about chlorine?
1. The word chlorine comes from the Greek word chloros. What does the Greek word mean?
a. Purification b. Additive c. Blue d. Green
2. The distinctive “smell of chlorine” in swimming pools does not emanate from the chlorine itself; rather, it emanates from a compound created when chlorine combines with organic substances in the water (such as human sweat and urine). What is the compound called?
a. Chloratyne b. Chloratane c. Chloramine d. Chloramax
3. Until recently, the process to produce chlorine from salt involved use of a highly toxic substance. Now that substance is gradually being phased out from the manufacture of chlorine. What is the substance?
a. Mercury b. Sarin c. Arsine d. Oleum
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