1. Love spending time in swimming pools so much that you wish you could sleep in one? According to
laughingsquid.com, now you can — well, almost. Get your ZZZZs on realistic pool-themed bedding from a design firm in one European country. Can you guess the country?
a. France b. The Netherlands c. Germany d. Spain
2. The water in the biggest public swimming pool of one major Canadian city was dyed pink in honor of Valentine’s Day. In what city did this happen?
a. Montreal b. Toronto c. Vancouver d. Ottawa
3. According to an Asian Web site, innumerable porno movies in the country of the site’s origin have been filmed at a single indoor swimming pool. Because of that, the pool has become a much-recognized national icon of sorts. Which country? (The name of the Web site will be revealed on the landing page so as not to give away the answer.)
a. Japan b. China c. Thailand d. South Korea”
To find out how many you got right, click here.