Swimming at U.S. Nuclear Reactor
Many water-related stories have been in the news of late – including reports connected to the three questions below.
1. Operators of a U.S. nuclear power plant were dismayed to discover a pair of goldfish swimming in an underground steam tunnel at the facility’s reactor – not considered a good sign for security at the installation, since the goldfish probably did not get there on their own. Where is the plant?
a. Avila Beach, Calif. b. Wintersburg, Ariz. c. Marseilles, Ill. d. Perry, Ohio
2. A public swimming pool in Blue Earth, Minn., is employing a high-tech method to identify people who are eligible to use the facility. What is the method?
a. Eye scan b. Finger scan c. Voice analysis d. Hair analysis.
3. The website freemalaysiatoday.com has identified what it considers to be “The best five pools of the globe” – all of which are at hotels. The first four are in Switzerland, Singapore, China and France. Where is the fifth?
a. Thailand b. UK c. USA d. Singapore.
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