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2011 Editions (4)
Dark Light

2011 Editions (4)

Please note: All of the issues listed below are available online, free of charge. Printed copies of many of these back issues are available for sale in the WaterShapes Store. Quantities are extremely limited! Clickherefor ordering information.


July 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 4)
Steve Sandalis on designing a showpiece pond for a small space; Jimmy Reed on exploiting the artistic potential of tile; William Bennett & Walter Williams on ballroom-floor-type covers for indoor pools; and Ben Dozier on a cantilevered pool with a ‘clear’ advantage.

May 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 3)
Steve Kenny on designing for great water quality; J.B. Werner on concrete permeability and waterproofing; Christopher Lines on working with classic details; and Jeffrey Boucher on reviving a historic pool with period accuracy.

March 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 2)
Fu-Tung Cheng on the potential of concrete as an artistic medium; Mark Holden on a park in which the watershapes reflect local history; and John Carlson on fooling the eye with artificial rockwork.

January 2011 (Vol. 13, No. 1)
Ed Beaulieu on one community’s approach to water management; Michael Mudrick & Elena Danke on the waterproofing of big marine exhibits; and James Robyn on the path to acceptance of ‘natural pools. mySpace

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