March 16, 2016 www.watershapes.com |
A Different Drum
It’s an unusual arrangement, but the three partners in Tributary figured they could serve a vastly broadened geographic base by pooling their firms’ design capabilities — and by using digital technology to eliminate distance as a barrier to their innovative form of collaboration. [more]
It would be great if Koi could be be placed in any old pond and thrive. But as this video from Mike Gannon relates, these beautiful fish have some very specific needs — needs that often require taking a fresh approach if the goal is introducing them to an existing pondscape. [more]
A Technicolor Pageant
Any watershaper’s visit to Denver should, as Jim McCloskey suggests here, involve a stop at the downtown lake where a painstakingly restored 100-year-old fountain puts on a beautifully illuminated, nimbly choreographed show that’s as awesome now as it was in 1908. [more]
Floating Fascination
Within the broader specialty of fountain design, fabrication and construction, the art of designing and installing self-contained floating fountains for ponds, rivers and lakes might best be seen as a similar but separate technical specialization — as an art within an art. Here, veteran designer Richard Van Seters explores this unique niche, using his experience and insights to pull back the veil on a type of watershaping that is unlike any other.
This article, originally published in WaterShapes in July 2007, has been digitized for all readers. Click here to see the full text and enlarge the images to study the craftsmanship in detail.
Planning for a Rainy Day
A good cloudburst can make a real mess of things — a fact brought home to Scott Cohen when an unexpected torrent combined with some ill-advised trenching to flood a client’s living room. Here’s a look at what happened and, more important, how it might have been avoided. [more]
Time (Mostly) Well Spent
While surfing the web, Jim McCloskey usually has to steel himself when he sees one of the large-scale pool-photo compilations discussed here. But in this case, past experience was no guide: He quickly relaxed and, despite a quibble or two, truly enjoyed the scenery. [more]
Time Well Spent Dept.: Canadian frat boys soak in hot tub for 100 hours to raise money for medical research. [more]
And no, it’s not about finding the cure for pruney skin.
Biblical Effects Dept.: Man walks (or, more accurately, runs) on the water of an ordinary U.K. pool. [more]
He succeeded after a friend failed. The legend grows.
Quality Don’t Come Easy
A classic business issue was on Brian Van Bower’s mind back in 2001 when he wrote his column. Click here to see if you think it’s still a topic worthy of consideration and discussion 15 years later.
Hayward Pool Products Unveils Pressure Cleaner
Hayward Pool Products (Elizabeth, NJ) announces the new TriVac 700 pressure cleaner for swimming pools. With top-skimming and bottom/wall cleaning modes, the cleaner captures both floating and sunken debris in its large filter bag. The unit also features the company’s AquaDrive propulsion system to quickly cover pools of any size or shape. For details, click here.
EasyPro Pond Products Offers Solar-Powered Aerators
EasyPro Pond Products (Grant, MI) supplies solar-powered aeration systems for pond applications. Easy to install, quiet and dependable, the units come in models that work with ponds ranging up to three acres and come with solar panels and a mounting pole; a compressor, cooling fan and pressure gauge; weighted tubing and diffusers. For details, click here.
Collective Influence
The rationale for banding together in an web network is simple: creating a mass of companies, every single one of them with its own Internet presence and all of them effectively aligned to one another by virtue of reciprocal links with the hosting site, an entity such as the WaterShapes Professional Network makes every participant seem larger and inherently more interesting to search systems. This leads to more exposure, more leads, more clicks, more prospective clients.
To see what this kind of community looks like, click here.
The Network is growing: Isn’t it about time to climb aboard?