
Assessing a Masterpiece
Through the years, I've had the privilege of working on a number of historic swimming pools. From grand old plunges at Yosemite National Park to the small patio pool at the Virginia Robinson Gardens in Beverly Hills, Calif., I have often approached these treasured artifacts with two sets of eyes - first as an expert in forensics who figures out how the original design and construction came together, then as an engineer tasked with returning these precious vessels to good working order. Among all of the historic pools I've worked on, two of them fill me not only with pride, but also with the awesome sense that I'm collaborating with Julia Morgan, a woman for
Bellatrix Concrete Enhancer from Deck-O-Seal
Deck-O-Seal (Hampshire, IL) offers Bellatrix to enhance and protect concrete pool decks and patios. Formulated…
2014/4.2, April 23 — An Artist’s Legacy, Safe Poolside Lighting, Healing Waters and more
April 23, 2014 ESSENTIAL Organic Artistry To see what happens when a watershape is…
Swimming to Wellness
Most people know that swimming is a great form of exercise, but far fewer seem aware that getting in the water can mean the difference between a life of disability and one of well being for those who live with chronic injuries and illnesses.  In this special feature, Barbara Goldstein describes how a daily swimming regimen has enabled her to stay fit and able in mind, body and spirit while keeping symptoms of three serious medical conditions at bay.   When I was a child, I read a biography of Theodore Roosevelt and discovered that we had asthma in common.  In my case, doctors treated the condition with medications, but Roosevelt had lived in a time long before the era of modern medicine, and I was interested to learn that he kept his condition under control by swimming regularly.  About the time I turned 40, we had a pool installed at our home.  Even with