professional associations

In Search of Community
Through the past 50 years, the watershaping industry has evolved from a small, elite group of contractors serving the needs of a small, elite group of consumers to become a vast industry whose services are in demand across a wide range of socio-economic levels.  In fact, it's probably fair to say that in these most recent years of prosperity, watershapes are being sold to more people across broader economic bandwidths than ever before. Yet for all this demand and the innovation that's been happening, I don't see unity.  Instead, I see a massive, diverse "industry" (definitely in quotation marks) with scores of niche organizations, geographic enclaves and specific interests, each moving forward without the
Hemispheres of Interest
I've racked up my fair share of professional accolades and honors in the past 20-odd years.   I suppose if I paid too much attention to all that stuff, I might be tempted to think that I know almost everything about my industry - but I wouldn't dream of harboring that thought, because the amount of stuff I don't know has always impressed me a lot more than the pile of stuff I do know.   That simple recognition has made me hungry for knowledge and new experiences and has influenced the way I've always approached my life and my work.  In fact, I shudder to think of all the things