Michelle Kodis
For a long time now, clients and prospects have been asking me about exterior facilities that will enable them to cook, dine and entertain in their backyards. It's been so prevalent, in fact, that I've mentioned the trend in this space on a couple of occasions - noting once or twice my frustration about the lack of books available for me to use in meeting the need. The sheer demand for these features seems to have arrived several steps ahead of publishers' being able to put books on the shelves. In the past year, however, that picture has changed. Just recently, in fact, I picked up four
For a long time now, clients and prospects have been asking me about exterior facilities that will enable them to cook, dine and entertain in their backyards. It's been so prevalent, in fact, that I've mentioned the trend in this space on a couple of occasions - noting once or twice my frustration about the lack of books available for me to use in meeting the need. The sheer demand for these features seems to have arrived several steps ahead of publishers' being able to put books on the shelves. In the past year, however, that picture has changed. Just recently, in fact, I picked up four