
2015/5.1, May 6 — Chemical-Free Pools, The Digital Office, Cascade Contouring and more
Trust Matters
I’ve spent some time in the past couple months looking for a good book about trust.   I ran into some stinkers along the way, with many of them impressing me with how boring and preachy they could be.  But I never had that kind of reaction to The Little Teal Book of Trust by Jeffrey Gitomer (Pearson Education, 2008):  I’m a big fan of his (you may recall that I wrote about his Little Red Book of Selling in March 2008) and have always liked the way he manages to
The Perfect Client
Despite the axiom that "every client is a good client," we all know that some of them are wonderful to work with - and that dealing with others is a form of slow torture.    I've always loved hearing the horror stories about bad customers that float around the watershaping trades:  The telling and retelling of these nightmares (often with exaggerations as the stories travel from ear to ear) is often a treat, and I know I've had my share of therapeutic fun at the expense of a knucklehead or two.   We don't generally hear quite so much about the good ones, but it's fair to say that most of us have lists of satisfied clients and that our experiences with them give us much of the motivation we have to stay in the business.   What it boils down to is this:  Each and every client is
Life at the High End
Through the years, more than a few watershaping professionals have asked me how to break through and start working with high-end clients.   I respond by giving them the disappointing news that there is no magic key here:  Serving the high end takes commitment, hard work and a willingness to focus your thinking on a distinct set of fundamentals that must take over and guide your work.  Depending on the level at which you're currently functioning, getting to the high end may involve climbing a mountain or might simply be about making a series of
Operating on a Higher Level
Over and over at seminars and trade shows, watershapers ask me three distinct but interrelated questions:  "How do you get into the high-end market?" and "How do you deal with wealthy customers?" and "How do you handle those kinds of jobs?" The short answer to all of them is that I've set myself up for it and am prepared to tackle these projects and clients as they come.  To me, it's as natural as breathing.   The deeper answer is much more complicated, obviously, and has to do with my understanding that working with upper echelon clients means accommodating an entire range of issues that
Solid Foundations
When it comes to just about anything that matters in life, whether personal or professional, the difference between success and failure is often your mindset and the attitude you bring to each situation, event or occasion.   That's a huge generalization, but it's something I consider each and every time I prepare myself for something important - such as meeting a prospective pool client face to face for the very first time.  I know at times like this that my performance will be determined by how I feel and that how I feel will directly influence