common sense

What’s Up with the News?
The news wasn't great for public pools, hot tubs and waterparks in the days leading up to Memorial Day and the start of the 2016 swimming season:  In five big states (Florida, New York, Texas, Arizona and California), a series of aquatic-facility inspections by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) found widespread violations and in some cases closed facilities pending remedial action.   News of these inspections went viral
In Search of Balance and Harmony
The words mean "earth luck," and over the last 18 months, at least half of my design-work appointments have been with people who have some concern or interest in the ancient philosophy known as feng shui. In fact, many of these (mostly upscale) customers already own books on the subject and have the expectation that I will factor feng shui principles in as I design their watershapes. By now, most of us have at least heard of this ancient Chinese philosophy, which is often described as "the art of living in perfect balance."  If you're like me, it's been one of those things to which you've never paid too much attention in your own life.  But as has been the case with other forms of Asian philosophy and spirituality, feng shui (pronounced fung shway) has