Commentaries, Interviews & Profiles

Solid Foundations
When it comes to just about anything that matters in life, whether personal or professional, the difference between success and failure is often your mindset and the attitude you bring to each situation, event or occasion.   That's a huge generalization, but it's something I consider each and every time I prepare myself for something important - such as meeting a prospective pool client face to face for the very first time.  I know at times like this that my performance will be determined by how I feel and that how I feel will directly influence
A Call for Ambassadors
"To succeed in business or in life, I don't think you need fancy schooling or highly technical experience.  What I think you need is common sense, a commitment to hard work and the courage to go your own way."                                   -- Robert Mondavi   That statement in Robert Mondavi's autobiography truly inspires me.  As I've prepared myself to write this column, I've been even more conscious of how