Category: WaterShapes World Blog

Restoring the LA River

For most of the past century, natural waterways in Southern California have existed as lifeless concrete channels. Efforts to “regreen” some of those once-beautiful waters have given rise to hopes that the Los Angeles River, and others like it, will one day recapture their former natural health and riparian beauty.  

Riding the Tides (25 years of WaterShapes)

Since its debut in February 1999 as an innovative print magazine, WaterShapes has spent the past 25 years exploring the art and science of water – and the oceans of possibilities waiting to be discovered along the way. As Eric Herman shares in this special retrospective, the long journey through the world of water has […]

Working in Water

While watershaping is very much about adding fun, health and beauty to our lives, it’s impact on society is far more all-encompassing. The control, treatment and distribution of water is arguably the true yard stick of civilization, one of the main ingredients in human existence.

Treasures in the Sand

There are many ways to enjoy a visit to the beach. From surfing to sunbathing, the sand’s edge encompasses some of the most enjoyable human experiences. For some, the preferred activity involves little more than wandering the shore with a pair of keen eyes looking for treasures in the form of sea glass.