wood decking

Decisions on Deck
All too often, important decisions about the design of a swimming pool environment are left for "later."  That's not just wrong; it's also a crying shame. As I see it, a huge proportion of my clients' long-term satisfaction with their pools comes not from time they actually spend in the water, but instead has to do with how easy and comfortable it is for them to enjoy their lives around the water.  That's why I've always made discussions about decking and patios a key component of the design process from the very start - and why my clients are so happy with the results. As the video linked below indicates, there are
Teaming Perfection
Some projects start out on the right foot and stay that way:  the right client, the right ideas, the right combination of skills on the design/construction team and a setting that inspires everyone involved to bring his or her very best to the table. The project profiled here is a case in point and is very specifically an example of teamwork at its finest.  The result is a tasteful design executed to near perfection in a project that’s beautiful visually while being extremely functional through the fun and luxury it affords the clients. All in all, it’s one of those rare and wonderful projects in which all the right notes were hit. Located on an island off the Connecticut coast, the property is a second home for fun-loving family that had the resources to create a great venue for outdoor gatherings.  The site is indeed spectacular, seven acres in all graced by a beautiful 12-bedroom house and