WhiteWater West (Richmond, British Columbia, Canada) offers Life Floor, a flooring system designed to minimize…
Water Odyssey (San Marcos, TX) has introduced Massive Splash, a modular play feature designed for…
Waterplay Solutions (Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada) has introduced Grasslands, a collection of aquatic play features…
Ugh! Video of Blood-and-Guts Food Fight in a Swimming Pool
Ugh! Video of Blood-and-Guts Food Fight in a Swimming Pool
The Best of Ripples 2010 Watershaping, as everyone knows, is serious business - but as Ripples has conclusively proved since its debut earlier this year, the world of watershaping can also be wild and wacky. It wasn't easy for Ripples to pick
Anyone who's a parent knows that taking pride in their children's accomplishments and personal growth is one of life's greatest joys. In my case, that pleasure has been one of the defining factors of my existence for the past twenty-plus years - ever since the day my son Brett Herman was born and was joined four years later by his sister, Amanda. I know that I'm right in line with other parents who call their children