Managing the current torrent of sales leads can be a frustrating challenge for over-burdened builders, renovators and service techs. There are some practical ways to ease the strain, says industry marketing consultant, Brett Abbot, advice he shared on an Ask the Masters podcast this past August.
Of all the promotional tools Dave Garton has deployed to support his watershaping business through the years, nothing has been more effective than his business cards. Why so? As as he reports here, it's because there's more to them than the usual bits of contact information.
The first time I visited my friends in Branson, Mo., it was a town in the midst of an identity crisis: It had built its brand as a place for mature folks to go hear popular music offered by performers cherished by their generation, from Andy Williams and Lawrence Welk to Roy Clark and Glen Campbell. The acts were still great, but they had largely become
You've all been peppered by my emails in recent weeks, and I'm sorry for that. But I think that letting you know about the WaterShapes Professional Network is important enough to burden you with a few special messages - including this one. So far, the most frequently asked questions have had to do with
If your company wants to be included in's Resource Directory and has not participated before, you can get involved by following these easy steps.