Marc Bockmon

Those Who Serve
Back in February's WaterShapes, I stepped a bit beyond the usual in discussing Harvests of Joy by Robert Mondavi, noting that I'd read the book based on a recommendation from fellow WaterShapes columnist Brian Van Bower.  I also mentioned that the book was one of the most important I've come across in recent years. This time around, I'd like to review another of Brian's recommended books - one he suggested during a seminar I recently attended and which has also proved to be wonderfully useful and extremely influential:  Samurai Selling: The Ancient Art of Service in Sales by Chuck Laughlin and Karen Sage with Marc Bockmon (St. Martin Press, 1993).   Until I read this book, my sense of what Samurai were all about was based on no more than warrior movies and video games.  What I learned instead is that Samurai based their lives entirely on a concept of service (of which warfare was only a small part).  The authors use the philosophy of the Samurai to define