Tag: management

2020/8.1, August 5 — Getting into Fountains, Building for Service, Hydraulic Basics and more

THE ESSENTIAL E-NEWSLETTER FOR WATERSHAPE DESIGNERS, ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS August 5, 2020 www.watershapes.com FEATURE ARTICLE Finding Fountains Moving from backyard ponds to commercial fountains is a big leap, saysTim Krzeminski, one that requires diligence, expanded skill sets and organizational discipline — not to mention the raw courage needed to tackle bigger, more complex systems with […]

Voices of Authority

2 19 benedetti artIn listing ten more guideposts Paolo Benedetti wishes he’d known before he started his business, this entire second set is about knowing, following and being on the right side of the rules when it’s time to work with inspectors and the codes and standards they’re sworn to enforce. 

Life Lessons

With the many questions he’s asked in classrooms and in conversations with fellow watershapers, Paolo Benedetti is constantly reminded of things he wishes he’d known when he started his business.  In the first of two articles, he begins by discussing ten of these key observations. 

2020/2.1, February 5 — Bountiful Views, Professional Ties, Watershaping Wisdom and more

THE ESSENTIAL E-NEWSLETTER FOR WATERSHAPE DESIGNERS, ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS February 5, 2020 www.watershapes.com FEATURE ARTICLE Working the Views As soon as he arrived on site,Jason Brownleeknew the project would be all about the amazing views. But his clients had more on their minds, asking him focus just as much on entertainment and distinctive gathering spaces […]

2020/1.2, January 22 — Small Considerations, Corporate Teamwork, Helical Sweep and more

THE ESSENTIAL E-NEWSLETTER FOR WATERSHAPE DESIGNERS, ENGINEERS AND BUILDERS January 22, 2020 www.watershapes.com FEATURE ARTICLE Big Ideas, Small Space The yard was quite long and narrow, and so was the tightly confined access path. ButScott Cohenhas enough experience in dealing with compact backyards that he’s always ready, as he demonstrates here, to deliver a design […]

Jandy Offers Electronic Water Leveler

Jandy Pool Systems (Carlsbad, CA) manufactures the Levolor K-2300, an electronic autofill device that maintains water levels in two bodies of water with separate equipment sets. Designed to compensates for waves, the units feature lock‐out systems that prevent overfilling and ensure reliability by having no moving parts that can break or rust. For details, click […]

Designing a New Paradigm (Part 2)

20yearslogoIn August 1999, more than 30 professionals gathered at a small college in Southeastern Ohio to talk about water and absorb the rudiments of a collective “Philosophy of Design.”  In attendance were Rick Anderson and Richard Dubé of the Whispering Crane Institute and the Genesis 3 team, including Skip Phillips, Brian Van Bower and David Tisherman – all of them anxious to engage in a roundtable discussion about shared

CMP Adds High-Flow UV Sterilizer

CMP (Newnan, GA) has launched UV-C 50, a high-flow ultraviolet sterilizer designed for easy installation, reliability and simple serviceability on swimming pools containing up to 50,000 gallons. The unit prevents micro-organism growth, breaks down chloramines, reduces chemical use, optimizes water clarity and creates no chemical by-products. For details, click here.

Nature’s Blueprint


12 6 17JC0For years, John Cohen has dedicated himself to meeting the needs of clients averse to using traditional sanitizers.  As he reports in the first in a series of articles, his quest began with a narrow-minded ‘expert’ and has since pulled him toward a biologically inspired set of solutions.