
Living Canopies Redefines the Umbrella
Living Canopies (University Park, MD) has created a line of Living Umbrellas that feature live…
Cor-Ten Fire Pits from Paloform
Paloform (Brampton, Ontario, Canada) manufactures Bol fire pits made from Cor-Ten steel as a dramatic…
Water-Level Controller from Pentair
Pentair Aquatic Systems (Sanford, NC) makes the IntelliLevel water-leveling system. The units allow for accurate…
Coverstar Provides AutoDrain Option for Automatic Covers
Coverstar (Lindon, UT) offers AutoDrain, an optional, built-in cover pump that rides on the top…
Hayward Pool Products Updates Navigator Pool Cleaner
Hayward Pool Products (Elizabeth, NJ) has introduced the Navigator V-Flex, a clog-free, suction-side, Expert Line…