I'm always amazed when I hear other watershapers complain about inspectors. As I see it, those professionals provide a valuable, extra set of eyes on site - eyes with an expertise that helps me make certain a project is being installed as engineered and specified. In essence, inspectors are a sort of insurance policy against problems both at the time of the inspection and down the line. In the last several "Details," we've systematically followed the design and construction process and, last month, discussed the installation of steel and plumbing in anticipation of the arrival of
I'm always amazed when I hear other watershapers complain about inspectors. As I see it, those professionals provide a valuable, extra set of eyes on site - eyes with an expertise that helps me make certain a project is being installed as engineered and specified. In essence, inspectors are a sort of insurance policy against problems both at the time of the inspection and down the line. In the last several "Details," we've systematically followed the design and construction process and, last month, discussed the installation of steel and plumbing in anticipation of the arrival of