Association of Pool & Spa Professionals

Collision Avoidance
In recent months, news has too often come as a shock.  I am happy to say, however, that one piece of it I received a couple weeks ago actually came as a relief.   The press release was headed "APSP & NSPF boards announce unification process ends," and I have to say I wasn't
2017/1.2, January 25 — Fish Out Front, Water Wall Basics, Japanese Style and more
Brighter Horizons
I've just returned from the 2016 International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo - a bit tired but, as usual, satisfied with the experience.  As I had hoped, I enjoyed lots of conversations about future articles and an unusual number of chats about advertising and sponsorships.  Also, the show took place in New Orleans, so I had a
The Unfolding Process
This edition of the WaterShapes newsletter is appearing on the opening day of the International Pool|Spa|Patio Expo.  By that Wednesday, I will have been in New Orleans for two days - and will have landed late enough on Monday evening that I will have missed all of the Hallowe'en festivities. That's fine by me:  I've been in New Orleans for three
Wow — Just Wow
I'm still stunned by news of the intended merger between the National Swimming Pool Foundation and the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals.  I've been a professional observer of the pool/spa component of the watershaping universe for more than 30 years now, and I was caught completely off guard by
Something in the Air?
The past couple weeks have seen an unusual number of good-news items cross my desk. Let’s start with the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals’ announcement of the formation of World of Recreational Water, a new foundation that will promote the sustainable use of recreational water worldwide. Back when Eric Herman and I spent many long hours
A Generalist’s Roadmap
This time around, I'll follow a detour from the design-oriented publications we've been covering to take a look at a truly unique resource:  If you build residential swimming pools and spas or are considering moving into the field, the National Spa & Pool Institute's Residential Pool & Spa Builders Reference Manual is a useful and informative text unlike any other available to the trade.   Written and reviewed by dozens of NSPI's builder members, the manual offers a comprehensive overview of pool and spa construction while providing a good foundation of general business and technical information.  That makes sense, because it is basically the